DEC Candidates December 2020

On this page, you will find information about the candidates who will be running for the executive board positions with the DEC at this December's organizational meeting. (Are you interested in running for a position? Fill out this form here (please fill it out by November 30, 2020). Positions are filled from the elected members of the DEC).

These are the positions, per our bylaws

The Chair

The Chair shall be the chief executive and presiding officer of the County Executive Committee and shall have all the authority to make decisions for the County Executive Committee between meetings of the Steering Committee and County Executive Committee that are not inconsistent with statute, established policy, or these Bylaws.

The Chair shall appoint a Parliamentarian, a General Counsel, and a Sergeant-at- Arms. These officers serve at the pleasure of the Chair, and enjoy all privileges and responsibilities of Appointed At-Large Membership, and need not otherwise be Elected Members.

The Chair shall appoint and has the authority to remove all committee chairs and members.

The Chair shall hire as many staff members as deemed necessary or as finances will allow, with the consent of the Steering Committee.

The Chair shall perform such other duties as prescribed by law, or which are usual to such office.

Candidates for this position: Steve Simeonidis

First Vice Chair

The First Vice Chair shall assist the Chair and shall have the duties and authority implied by that title, assigned by the Chair, or specified by these Bylaws. The First Vice Chair shall preside over the meetings of the County Executive Committee in the absence of the Chair.

Candidates for this position: Maria-Elena Lopez, Bruce Jacobs, Caroline Williams (withdrawn)

Program Vice Chair

The Program Vice Chair shall assist the Chair and the First Vice Chair in matters relating to programming and the other Committee activities that enhance the  effectiveness of the Democratic Party.

Candidates for this position: Dan Royles

Outreach Vice Chair

The Outreach Vice Chair shall assist the Chair and the First Vice Chair in matters relating to outreach and other Committee activities that promote and improve the impact of the Democratic Party in the community, among elected officials, and within the Democratic Party.

Candidates for this position: Robert DempsterSardebra Wright


The Secretary shall keep records of attendance at all meetings of the County Executive Committee and the Steering Committee, take minutes at these meetings, and transcribe such minutes for presentation to the Committees. The Secretary shall have the duties and authority implied by such title, assigned by the Chair, or specified by these Bylaws.

Candidates for this position: Nikola Patterson Molina


The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping accurate financial records of the County Executive Committee and the Steering Committee; shall keep an accurate, complete, and permanent record of all receipts and disbursements; shall issue all checks for the disbursing of funds; and shall prepare and file all financial reports required by law.

Candidates for this position: Evan Avery Shields

State Committeewoman and State Committeeman

The State Committeewoman and State Committeeman shall serve as liaison between the State of Florida Democratic Party and the county DEC; liaison between the county DEC and the clubs; members of the State Executive Committee and county DEC Steering Committee; members of the county DEC Campaign Committee; and members of other committees as designated by the DEC Charter and Bylaws.

Candidates for State Committeewoman: Annette Taddeo, Dr. Mae Christian, Millie Herrera 

Candidates for State Committeeman: William ByattDaniel Hernan Hurtado, Bernard Wh Jennings, Felix Montes

Executive Committee elected new leadership in December 2024