Join the Democratic Executive Committee

The Democratic Executive Committee (DEC) is the governing body of the Democratic Party in Miami-Dade County. The voting members of the DEC are primarily the Elected Members, also known as the committeemen and committeewomen from each district. These members are required to attend our meetings held every other month.

We currently have plenty of openings for new members to be voted in by the existing body. Please see expectations below. 

CLICK HERE to access the official DEC membership request form, and our Credentials Chair will review your information

Per our bylaws, the responsibilities of the Elected members of the DEC are as follows:

1.1.2    Responsibility: It is the primary responsibility of Elected Members to recruit and train Precinct Captains, as defined by Article II, Section 1.7, in each of the precincts that makeup their DEC election district. Dereliction of this duty may be cause for removal as set forth in Article IV, Section 3.1.

1.7       Precinct Captain Membership consists of any registered Democrat appointed by their respective DEC elected member and approved by the Credentials Committee. There may be more than one Precinct Captain per precinct. Precinct Captain Membership is equivalent to Associate Membership, as set forth in Article II, Section 1.6.

1.7.1    Appointment: DEC elected members may appoint precinct captains in each of the precincts they represent. DEC elected members shall submit the full name, address, and qualifications of their appointee to the Credentials Chair. The Credentials Committee shall verify that the appointee is a registered Democrat residing in the precinct they seek to represent and will confirm with the appointee that they understand the responsibilities of a precinct captain.

1.7.2    Duties: A Precinct Captain is responsible for organizing the precinct in which they reside and is responsible for conducting the following activities within that precinct: get-out-the-vote activities, voter education, voter registration, vote-by-mail enrollment, recruiting and training volunteers, and liaising between voters and the Democratic Party.

Each Elected County Executive Committee member shall be required to raise funds for the County Executive Committee each year. The Elected shall raise or contribute $50.00 per year. Contributions made here.

Email [email protected] with any questions.

August 2024 Election Recap Join us for our Blue Gala fundraiser on Saturday, September 21 Kamala Harris Accomplishments