Sardebra Wright for Outreach Vice Chair

Sardebra Wright is running for the position of Outreach Vice Chair of the Democratic Executive Committee at the December 7 Organizational Meeting.


I am an African-American woman, a very proud single mother and a loyal Democrat.   I am also the caregiver to my 91 years young mother.  I attended Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, FL.  I was an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) and one of the plaintiffs in the class action suit against Miami-Dade County that allowed women to become firefighters.  I was employed for 22 years with the U.S. Postal Service and worked as a letter carrier, special delivery messenger, clerk, union steward, and a Supervisor.  I am a member of the American Postal Workers Union, Local 172, Retiree Chapter having served as the President and Vice-President of the chapter.  I am currently the Florida District 7 Vice President of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees ( NARFE) that has over 300,000 members nationally.  I presently oversee 5 chapters with memberships of 150-300 members per chapter.  In addition, I was recently appointed as the Congressional District Leader which allows me to be the liaison between the district 24 Congressional leaders and NARFE.  I have been a DEC Committee woman since 2008.  I have also served as the Secretary of the Miami-Dade Disability Caucus and the DEC Labor Committee Chair under former DEC Chair Juan Cuba.  I am a member of Jesus People Ministries International Church and am also the Program Committee Coordinator for God’s Amazing Grace Ministries.  I have worked with Miami Gardens Councilwoman Lillie Q. Odom, Rev. Nettie Davis of God’s Amazing Grace, Miami-Dade Health Dept. and  Jesse Trice Health Center to present health forums informing the community about HIV and AIDS since 2018 .

Why Are You Running for Outreach Vice Chair?

I want to be the Outreach Vice Chair to make a difference.  I have watched the DEC change under the leadership of the present Chair for the worse.  We are no longer a party of the people.  Instead we have become the party of disrespect, and exclusion.  We have ceased to communicate with our Democratic clubs, abandoning them in the time when they needed our support.  We failed to forge relationships with the diverse communities and organizations of Miami-Dade which ultimately hindered our attempt to politically impact Florida.  We failed in the November election because our DEC leaders refused to listen to our members and even acknowledge the recommendations of those who knew their neighborhoods best.  Now our failed leaders are asking us to give them another chance to fail again, by playing musical chairs and switching positions.  They choose to point fingers at the Florida Democratic Party for their lack of success and refuse to take responsibility for what they did wrong.  We cannot afford to allow their lapses in judgement to speak for us.  If we are going to turn Florida blue, we must allow a new regime to take over.   People who have the experience needed to turn the DEC around for the better should be given the chance to lead.  We need officers who are not just carbon copies of the Chair.   If you take a look at the different DEC committees, the same names and the same people appear over and over again.   Our present Chair refuses to entertain other ideas or even give others a chance to participate.  That’s not a political party, that a clique; a small group of people, with shared interests, who spend time together and do not readily allow others to join them.   We must recognize the concerns of everyone, not a chosen few.   To succeed, everyone must be allowed to contribute, we are not just a party of one group but a party of many.  We are not the Republican party!  There has been continual, blatant disrespect of one of our oldest members, Dr. Mae Christian and to allow this type of action to continue makes our Chair and those who condone it bullies.    My bio shows my accomplishments past and present.  I have numerous relationships with many organizations and my goal is to bring them together for the good of the party which leads to the good of the people.    We may not always agree on every issue, but we have to respect the individual’s right to express their opinion.   Our differences should bring us together, not tear us apart.  Promises were made and broken, checks and balances are being ignored, and miscommunications turned into disgruntled complaints.  To allow the same people to govern us again is the very definition of insanity.   I bring to the position of Outreach Vice Chair, experience, creativity, integrity , empathy, respect, determination, and a trailblazing spirit that is rooted in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  The last characteristic is the most important because my spirituality drives my actions.  I truly believe that evil abounds when good people do nothing to combat it.   My spirituality doesn’t allow me to sit in judgement of others but to walk in understanding and love, drawing on the vast experiences I’ve had in what I consider a short lifetime.  I will strengthen the Democratic Clubs by working to bring funds to the neighborhoods they represent.   We must show our supporters that our working coalition actually will work for the better.  Our annual Blue Gala should be held more than once a year and it should have different and diverse themes.   We should work on fundraising year round and work diligently to make change a reality.  As the Outreach Vice Chair, I want to reach out to the churches and assure them that they also play a part in the Democratic party.   It is important to educate people, young and old about all of their rights and ensure the rights of all people are upheld in the Miami-Dade DEC.   We have a big job ahead of us and we can build back better partnerships and relationships and I believe I can help make it happen. 


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Executive Committee to elect new leadership in December