Damos la bienvenida a dos latinas a la Junta Escolar de Miami-Dade

Estamos orgullosos de poder reconocer la elección de dos latinas dedicadas a mejorar las escuelas públicas de Miami-Dade y aumentar las oportunidades para el futuro de los niños del condado - Lucia Baez-Geller (Distrito 3) y Luisa Santos (Distrito 9)

In English: Read more about Lucia Baez-Geller and Luisa Santos

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Welcoming two women Democrats to Miami-Dade's School Board

As part of the 2020 elections, we are proud to announce the first-time wins by two talented women who can bring strong contributions to Miami-Dade's school board, and increase opportunity for the future of Miami-Dade's students. Lucia Baez-Geller for District 3 and Luisa Santos for District 9.

En Español: Lee más sobre Lucia Baez-Geller y Luisa Santos

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Four Democrats elected to Miami-Dade's County Commission

As part of the 2020 elections, we are proud to announce the wins by four passionate community advocates who are determined to bring sound policy to Miami-Dade's government, improving the lives of our residents. Oliver Gilbert (District 1), Keon Hardmon (District 3), Eileen Higgins (District 5), and Kionne McGhee (District 9)

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Daniella Levine Cava - la nueva alcaldesa de Miami-Dade

El martes 3 de noviembre, los votantes convirtieron a Daniella Levine Cava en la primera alcaldesa del Condado de Miami-Dade. La victoria histórica de la comisionada Levine Cava marca también la primera vez en 16 años que los demócratas alcanzan el más alto puesto en el condado. 

Read more about Daniella Levine Cava in English

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Miami-Dade's next mayor - Daniella Levine Cava. First Democratic mayor since 2004

On Tuesday 11/3, voters elected Daniella Levine Cava to become Miami-Dade County’s first woman mayor. Commissioner Levine Cava’s historic victory also marks the first democratic mayor of Miami-Dade in 16 Years. 

Lee más sobre Daniella Levine Cava en español

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List of Joe Biden’s Accomplishments

Proven Leadership for All Americans

Joe Biden has dedicated his life to serving the American people. What has Joe Biden accomplished in 47 years, Trump zealots ask? A whole lot! We invite you to share this list below with your friends who would like to learn more about Joe Biden's achievements fighting for Americans, first as a U.S. Senator and then as Vice President alongside Barack Obama.


Other reading:

EN ESPAÑOL: ¿Qué ha hecho Joe Biden en su carrera política?

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Recomendaciones sobre las enmiendas a la Constitución de la Florida, 2020

Al fin, la oportunidad de aumentar el salario mínimo a $15 la hora está en las manos de los votantes. Aun cuando la boleta electoral del 2020 no trae tantas propuestas de enmiendas constitucionales como la del 2018, varias propuestas importantes requieren nuestro voto. Esperamos haga tiempo para leer nuestras recomendaciones y nuestras razones por las mismas.

Para leer nuestras recomendaciones en cuanto a los candidatos, por favor visite www.votefordemocrats.miami

Read the 2020 Florida amendment recommendations in English

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Executive Committee elected new leadership in December 2024