More Than 34,000 Miami-Dade Voters Have Switched to the Democratic Party Since 2016
The Wave of Party Switches Indicates Voters Are Fed Up With Republican Policies
Miami, FL: Today, the Miami-Dade Democratic Party released data indicating that since the 2016 election, more than 34,000 voters in Miami-Dade County have switched their party affiliation to the Democratic Party. Some 26,446 voters switched from "No Party Affiliation" to Democrat, while 8,078 have switched from Republican Party to Democrat.
How to be a Delegate to the Democratic National Convention
Do you want to be a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee? The National Convention will be held July 13-16.
Start Online Delegate Filing Form
or download printable District-Level Delegate Filing Form
For more information on Florida's Delegate Selection Plan, and for more resources for those interested in running as a National Convention Delegate, please visit the Florida Democratic Party's convention info page here.
Miami Dade Dems Stand With Barbara Jordan
The Miami-Dade Dems Newsletter, February 14, 2020
During Black History Month, let us each take the opportunity to celebrate the importance of Black history and the outstanding contributions Black Americans have made to our society and to the history of Miami-Dade County. Black history is American history and we should celebrate Black history every month.
On Wednesday, February 5, Miami-Dade welcomed Stacey Abrams, former Minority Leader of the Georgia House of Representatives and founder of Fair Fight, and Fair Count to our county for a roundtable discussion about voter protection. Leader Abrams spoke to a roundtable of College Democrats about the importance of exercising the right to vote. “Voting is power and I will not let anyone steal my power. No one is going to say how American I am, I’m going to tell you at the ballot box," she said. She was welcomed by Florida Democratic Party Chairwoman Terrie Rizzo, and introduced by County Commissioner Jean Monestime.
Miami-Dade Democratic Party files Florida Bar complaint against Rep. Matt Gaetz for obstructing the House’s Impeachment process
Florida bar officials notified of a new complaint against rogue Congressman it reprimanded in writing just last year
Miami, FL: On Thursday February 6th, 2020, the Miami-Dade Democratic Party transmitted its complaint against the previously admonished Rep. Gaetz by mail to the Florida bar.
In so doing, Miami-Dade Democratic Party has taken action to hold one of President Trump's top defenders accountable for violating legal ethics by risking America’s national security to “grandstand” in Congress which entailed breaking into a secure, compartmented information facility, then ordering pizza. The party has filed a bar complaint against Florida’s 1st District Congressman, Rep. Matt Gaetz.
January Newsletter
It’s hard to believe, but January is over. We've endured one of the most hate-filled State of the Union addresses, and watched the Senate abdicate its constitutional responsibility. It's now on us to protect our democracy. There are just nine months until the November election, fewer than 200 days til the all-important August primary, and just over 40 days til Florida’s Presidential Preference Primary in March. Every moment counts in our fight to restore our democracy. Read on to hear what we’ve been doing this month and how you can get involved.
Read moreStacey Abrams in Miami Tomorrow
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University and college students came out in droves in 2018 when given the chance to vote in the midterm election on their campuses. Over 60,000 people used an on-campus early voting location in 2018, and ultimately the election was decided by under 30,000 votes. However, shortly after the midterms, Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis signed legislation making it difficult for universities and colleges to host early voting sites, thus further suppressing the youth vote.
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Read moreCandidate Training
Join the Florida Democratic Party in Miami on February 15, 2020 for a free in-person training focusing on fundamental aspects of running a campaign, including fundraising, messaging, digital communications, and field operations.
Interested in attending? Be sure to RSVP on our mobilize page.