Miami-Dade Democrats Reject Trump Campaign's Contempt For Cuban-Americans

Miami-Dade Democrats Reaffirm We Are A Nation of Immigrants


MIAMI-DADE, FL: Miami-Dade Democratic Party Chair Steve Simeonidis condemned the remarks of Donald Trump's director of rapid response, Giancarlo Sopo, whose private views about "Old Cubans" were revealed on Twitter today:

In the Facebook chat, Mr. Sopo, whose home was raided by the law enforcement investigators for participating in a Vote-By-Mail fraud scheme, said "Old Cubans should be prohibited from having political opinions." He continues by saying "It's like bro, you f***ed up your own country, don't meddle in someone else's affairs."

The revelation is the second in days to show the Trump administration's contempt for Cuban Americans. On Tuesday, Katie Miller, a top aide to Vice President Pence, was quoted in a new book by NBC reporter Jacob Soboroff as saying, “I believe that if you come to America, you should assimilate. Why do we need to have Little Havana?”

Statement from Miami-Dade Democratic Party Chair Steve Simeonidis:

"We are a nation of immigrants and Cuban Americans are an important part of our political discourse. It's clear that Donald Trump's campaign doesn't care about Miami-Dade residents. Mr. Sopo's rhetoric is disgusting but exactly in line with the Trump campaign’s views. We reject those comments, just as we will reject Trump in November." 

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