Miami-Dade Democratic Party Statement on Diversity Within the Black Community

MIAMI-DADE, FL: Today, the Miami-Dade Democratic Party released the following statement:

“The Miami-Dade Democratic Party affirms that we recognize the diversity within all communities and specifically that within the Black community there are myriad cultures and subcultures, all equally deserving of recognition, respect, and representation.”


Help Get Out the Vote for Our Endorsed Candidates!

The Miami-Dade Democratic Party is kicking off two Early Voting Weeks of Action to get out the vote for our endorsed candidates!

This week and next week we’re calling Democrats across the county to remind them to return their mail ballot, and to ask them to support our fantastic candidates. A blue wave in August means an even bigger blue wave in November—can you help us make calls for one of the following candidates to help get out the vote?

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Congrats to the new board of the Miami-Dade Cuban-American Democratic Club


Miami-Dade Democrats Condemn Obscene Gestures Outside La Ermita de la Caridad

En Español: El Partido Demócrata de Miami-Dade condenó gestos obscenos fuera de La Ermita de la Caridad

MIAMI-DADE, FL: After images of Trump supporters making obscene gestures outside of La Ermita de la Caridad circulated widely on social media, the Miami-Dade Democratic Party condemned their actions.

Several prominent Cuban-American figures were spotted in the crowd, including Eliecer Avila Cicilia, who María Elvira Salazar has called a “friend and supporter.”

Statement of Maria-Elena Lopez, First Vice Chair of the Miami-Dade Democratic Party:

“La Ermita de la Caridad is a sanctuary where thousands of Cuban exiles have come for comfort, to cry, to pray for freedom for Cuba. The actions of these Trump supporters are disgusting. If you have publicly objected to players kneeling during the national anthem but today are quiet while people standing in front of a church are giving the finger, please check your values.”


Miami-Dade Democratic Party's 2020 Virtual Blue Gala featuring Joe Biden on July 29/30


Miami-Dade Democratic Party condemns Mayor Giménez’s veto of civilian police review panel

MIAMI-DADE: After Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Giménez’s veto of a Miami-Dade County civilian review panel for police, Miami-Dade Democratic Party Chair released the following statement:

“People across this county have been calling for more police oversight for years, and those calls have been amplified in recent months following the murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. Our democratically elected leaders did the right thing when they passed legislation to reestablish the Independent Civilian Panel, and Carlos Giménez was wrong to veto this panel — for the second time in two years — for political reasons. We need a civilian oversight panel with subpoena power, and once we replace our mayor with one who is responsive to the democratic will of the people, we will get one.”


Help lead the Miami-Dade Cuban-American Democratic Club. Learn more...

The Miami-Dade Cuban-American Democratic Club has served for the past 10+ years as a forum for Democrats born in Cuba or of Cuban heritage to engage with local politicians and discuss important issues that are relevant to the community. With monthly meetings and presence on social media, the Club's goal is to educate Cuban-American voters while providing Democrats in the county with perspective from Cuban-American Democrats.

As you may know, Miami-Dade currently has several prominent Cuban-American Democrats serving in Tallahassee, such as Jose Javier Rodriguez and Javier Fernandez. We look to encourage other Cuban-Americans to get involved at all levels of government.

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Executive Committee elected new leadership in December 2024