110 members to be elected to the Miami-Dade Democratic Executive Committee in August

If you are reading this, there is still time to qualify to be on the ballot this summer to represent your district within the local Democratic Party!

This August, Miami-Dade county registered Democrats will elect the 110 people to make up the Democratic Executive Committee (DEC). The elections correspond to 55 district designations with a man and woman elected per district.


Committeemen and Committeewomen are expected to organize their designated precincts, and represent constituents within the local Democratic Party.

Qualifying period is from June 8 to June 12 and forms can be submitted starting Tuesday, May 26. There is no fee or petition requirement. In order to qualify, two forms must be submitted to the Supervisor of Elections (SOE). These are the committeeman / committeewoman oath form and the certification of access to the Handbook and Election laws forms. There is a third form that must be submitted if money is expended for your campaign. These forms can be downloaded here:

Signed and completed forms can be sent attached via email to [email protected]


Four year term officially commences on December 1, 2020. (though we will need all hands on deck for the November elections)

It is the primary responsibility of Elected Members to recruit and train Precinct Captains, in each of the precincts that makeup their DEC election district. Failure to organize may be cause for removal.

All members of the County Executive Committee shall participate in the activities sponsored by the Committee to further campaign support, such as voter registration, active campaigning, volunteer staffing of campaign headquarters, and other special projects as suggested by the Committee. It shall be the responsibility of each member of the Committee to devote 52 hours per year to these activities, and the Campaign Committee with the help of the Inter Club Council shall monitor the hourly contributions of the membership. It shall be the responsibility of the Steering Committee to determine the number of hours to be spent by each County Executive Committee member in each committee-sponsored activity during any year. In January of each year, the Steering Committee shall meet and establish a schedule of hours per activity for the coming year. Each committee shall be responsible for accounting for the hours served on its behalf.

The County Executive Committee, has supervisory power except as otherwise provided by law or by  the Charter and Bylaws of the Florida Democratic Party and jurisdiction in all Democratic Party matters throughout Miami-Dade county, each congressional district within the county, and any other subdivision thereof. The County Executive Committee may set policy and prescribe and enforce sanctions for violation of Party loyalty which includes removing or disbarring from Party office, Party nomination, Party privilege, or committee membership, anyone within its jurisdiction who violates such loyalty, or its rules of other lawful mandate. Sanctions must be imposed in a manner which assures a fair hearing.

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Executive Committee elected new leadership in December 2024