Legislative Update: Final Countdown
This it: The final three days of session in Tallahassee.
Our Democratic legislators have been fighting to protect the social safety net, expand opportunity for immigrants and much more — but now, they need your help.
We still have time to make sure key pieces of legislation pass and to stop some terrible bills in their tracks, but we have to act now. Here are our key action items today:
Doral Councilwoman Sandra Ruiz Sponsors Resolution in Support of ERA Amendment
Doral Councilwoman Sandra Ruiz sponsored a resolution in support of passing the Equal Rights Amendment during Florida's 2014 Legislative Session. The resolution was supported by the entire council.
The Chair of the Local & Federal Affairs Committee, Hialeah State Representative and "Rick Scott" Republican Eddy Gonzalez, has so far refused to hear the bill.
Senator Dwight Bullard & Rep. Cynthia Stafford Statement on State of the Union
January 29, 2014
CONTACT: Mary Cowart
(305) 953-3086
State Representative Cynthia A. Stafford (D-109) and State Senator Dwight Bullard (D-39) Joint Statement On State of the Union Address delivered by U.S. President Barack Obama
MIAMI — State Representative Cynthia A. Stafford (D-Miami) and State Senator Dwight Bullard (D-Miami) issued the following joint statement in response to last night’s State of the Union address delivered by President Obama as it relates to raising the minimum wage for American workers:
State Representative Cynthia A. Stafford (D-Miami) offered the following remarks:
“I commend President Barack Obama on issuing an executive order to finally raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour for workers on new federal contracts during his State of the Union speech. Raising the minimum wage will not only lower the unemployment rate, but will also provide economic security for American families. Florida, which represents a large number of unemployed citizens, should follow President Obama’s lead and raise the state minimum wage during the 2014 Regular Session. I am proud to serve as the House sponsor for House Bill 385 State Minimum Wage. If passed, House Bill 385 would raise the state minimum wage to $10.10 per hour and ensure economic security for hard working families in Florida."
Read moreTime for a higher minimum wage in Florida
This week, Senator Dwight Bullard and Representative Cynthia Stafford took a critical step on behalf of Florida's working families by introducing legislation that would increase the state minimum wage.
The Miami-Dade Democratic Party commends and stands with Senator Bullard and Representative Stafford in their call for a higher minimum wage.