Legislative Update: Final Countdown

This it: The final three days of session in Tallahassee.

Our Democratic legislators have been fighting to protect the social safety net, expand opportunity for immigrants and much more — but now, they need your help. 

We still have time to make sure key pieces of legislation pass and to stop some terrible bills in their tracks, but we have to act now. Here are our key action items today:


road_lightblue.png In-state tuition for DREAMers: After it looked like two Republican Senators might squash this bill, it was added to the schedule to be heard in the Senate today.

We need to keep the pressure on GOP lawmakers to make sure this bill passes. These are students who came up through our public school system and who want to attend college in Florida and contribute to its future — but right now the state won't let them.

Action: Call or email your senator and share on Twitter that the time is now for in-state tuition for our DREAMers.

Safe needle exchange: 
Senator Oscar Braynon sponsored an innovative bill to create a pilot program for the safe exchange of needles in Miami-Dade, which has the highest rate of new HIV infections in the country. 

The bill sailed through committees in the House and Senate — until this week, when the House suddenly decided not to hear it for a final vote. 

It's supported by lawmakers and doctors — everyone, apparently, except surgeon general John Armstrong, a Rick Scott appointee.

Action: Call the surgeon general's office at 850-245-4444, email [email protected], and tweet @HealthyFla to tell him you support the safe needle exchange program (SB 408).

Protect Florida's retirement system: 
Despite the fact that Florida has one of the nation's best-run public pension programs, Republicans have pushed through a plan to move all new public employees off the state plan and into a 401K investment plan.

Employees can already choose the 401K option if they want — this is simply the GOP taking the first step to defunding our state pension system and pushing hardworking public employees out of the middle class.

Action: Call or email your senator and tell him/her to vote NO on SB 1114, and tweet out the message.

money_stack_green.png  Wage theft: Miami-Dade has some of the best protection against wage theft in the state. But Republicans want to take that away — to shield businesses from retaliation when they steal from their employees. We can't let that happen. 

Action: Tell your senator to protect working-class people and NO on wage theft (SB 926).

Thanks for joining us in the fight in Tallahassee!

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