Our Mayor just caved to Trump on immigration. Here's what you can do to fight back.

Our County Mayor Carlos Gimenez just became the first county executive to cave to Donald Trump's executive order, abandoning our Sanctuary County designation and choosing to IGNORE a 2013 resolution passed unanimously by the county commission.


There will be tens of thousands of families waking up tomorrow in Miami-Dade afraid about what this means for them. This reversal is a slippery slope into making our police officers an extension of Trump's deportation force.

Trump's hateful anti-immigrant rhetoric-turned-policy should be fully rejected. The Mayors of New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Seattle have done just that. We too need to stand up and protect our friends and neighbors. Mayor Gimenez needs to hear from YOU and so does our County Commission.

Here's what you can do:

  1. Call the Mayor's office and our County Commissioners first thing in the morning. Their info is here
  2. Copy and paste this message to your Facebook.
  3. Tweet @MayorGimenez and let him know how you feel. Here's an example: "Trump's anti-immigrant hate should be rejected! @MayorGimenez don't cave to @realDonaldTrump. We are a Sanctuary County."
  4. Immigrant Rights advocates are protesting at the Mayor's office tomorrow (Friday 1/27) at 11am. Join them! 
  5. Send this message to 10 of your friends

The country is watching. We need your help now.

Juan Cuba, Chair
Miami-Dade Dems


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Update from the Chair

I hope you saw the President's farewell speech on Tuesday (ICYMI, here it is). He asked us to believe again, in our ability to create change together. He asked us to reject the politics of cynicism and organize to make our country and our communities stronger. He's right. There's so much work to be done and we need your help to do it.

First, please save-the-date for our 2017 regular General DEC meetings. The doors open at 6pm, meetings start at 7pm, and end approximately at 8:30pm. (locations are still TBD).

  • General Meeting - Monday, February 27
  • General Meeting - Wednesday, April 26
  • General Meeting - Wednesday, June 21
  • General Meeting - Monday, August 28
  • General Meeting - Monday, October 30
  • General Meeting/ Holiday Party - Monday, December 11


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Credentials Report

The credentials committee has received updated information for a couple of applicants. The final report recommends the following Democrats as Elected precinct committee members to fill existing precinct vacancies. They are as follows:
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Interim Credentials Report

TO: Juan Cuba, Chair, Miami-Dade Democratic Executive Committee

FROM: Teresa Gavalda, Out-going Chair, Credentials Committee

SUBJECT: Interim Credentials Committee Report

The credentials committee reviewed and verified the applications of the following Democrats at the December 6, 2016 reorganizational meeting. The committee confirmed the applicants' party registration and identified precinct where vacancies existed. The committee recommended the Democrats listed in the attached table as Elected committee men/women for their respective precincts.

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Credentials Report

The credentials committee has completed the review of over 500 applications that were submitted by Thursday, December 15 at Noon EST. First, the committee reviewed each applicant's party registration and identified the applicant's precinct. There was 41 applications that were either rejected or the committee could not identify in our voter database or in the Supervisor of Elections website. Second, where there were vacancies in a precinct, the committee filled them on a first-come first-serve basis. In total, the committee recommends 251 Democrats as Elected precinct committee members to fill existing precinct vacancies. The committee also recommends 17 Democratic municipal elected officials for Elected Official membership which, once approved by the DEC, will give them automatic status under our bylaws. There are two At-Large appointments that Chairman Cuba has already indicated he intends to make. And, finally, there are 171 Democrats who applied but, at the time of their submission, no vacancy in their precinct existed. These Democrats are available for At-Large appointments. It is at the Chairman's discretion to appoint Democrats as At-Large members. 
The full report is below:
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Apply for a Leadership Position

As Chair, it is my responsibility to appoint members to lead our standing committees and/or create new ad-hoc committees that are important to a well-functioning party. We want to open up this selection process to all members. We have assigned a panel of our newly elected officers to review applications and over the next couple of weeks they will make recommendations.
You can apply to a leadership position using this google form: http://bit.ly/DECleadership
The roles are as follows:
  • Parliamentarian
  • General Counsel
  • Sergeant-at-Arms
  • Finance Committee Chair
  • Credentials Committee Chair
  • Rules & Bylaws Committee Chair
  • Affirmative Action Committee Chair
  • Voter Registration Committee Chair
  • Issues Committee Chair
  • Campaign Committee Chair
  • Legislative Liaison Committee Chair
  • Interclub Council Chair
  • Labor Committee Chair
  • Communications Committee Chair
  • Training Committee Chair (new ad-hoc)
  • Budget Committee Chair
If you see that there is a role that is important but missing from this list, let us know. There is an option on the google form to suggest the creation of a new ad-hoc committees.
For a full description of the responsibilities of each role, please review the bylaws Article II, Section 2.1 and Section 5. For your convenience, it is listed below (click read more): 
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New Leadership

Congratulations to the newly elected leadership of the Miami-Dade Democratic Party! Chair Juan Cuba, First Vice Chair Dotie Joseph, State Committeewoman Francesca Menes, State Committeeman Bret Berlin, Secretary Anaruth Solach, Treasurer Arthur Costa, Outreach Vice Chair Erika Grohoski Peralta, Programs Vice Chair Chris Riker.

from left to right: Arthur Costa, Chris Riker, Anaruth Solache, Bret Berlin, Dotie Joseph, Juan Cuba, Francesca Menes, Erika Grohoski Peralta

After almost five hours of speeches and politicking, Democrats elected a dynamic, progressive team and entrusted them with the hard work of party building. The full minutes of the meeting can be found here.

We would also like to thank the Democratic Executive Committee members who attended the 2016 Re-Organizational meeting, all the candidates who put their names on the ballot and shared their vision for the party, and all the new members who joined the DEC yesterday. This momentum must not be lost as we move forward. 

There are also a couple Democratic Clubs hosting holiday parties:

  • South Dade Democrats are hosting a holiday party this Sunday, December 11 at 5pm at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Miami located at 7701 S.W. 76th Avenue, Miami
  • Downtown Dems are hosting a holiday party on Thursday, December 15 at Fado Irish Pub located at 900 S Miami Ave, Ste 200, Miami, Florida 33130








Executive Committee elected new leadership in December 2024