Presidential Debate Watch Parties in Miami on Tuesday September 10

The first debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and Donald Trump for the 2024 Elections takes place this Thursday on ABC. We invite you to join local Democrats at one of the Miami debate watch parties, and please bring a friend. 

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Should Miami-Dade School Board recognize the national LGBTQ History Month?

Dating back to 2012, some of Florida’s largest counties began recognizing October as LGBTQ+ History Month, part of a larger national initiative to recognize prominent figures from the community. Miami-Dade’s school board voted overwhelmingly in 2021 to introduce the program to our schools. However, with the demands of a vocal minority and the threat of DeSantis weighing in, the school board changed course to block the initiative, listening to individuals who themselves could have benefitted learning about the struggles that the LGBTQ+ community has faced historically.

On 9/11/24, district leaders will decide if MDCPS will once again honor and recognize LGBTQ History in the Month of October.

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What has Kamala Harris done?

What has Kamala Harris accomplished in her years in public service? We invite you to share this list below with your friends who would like to learn more about what Kamala Harris has done fighting for Americans, as Attorney General of California (2011-2016), then as a US Senator (2017-2020), and the past four years as Vice President alongside Joe Biden.

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Canvass in Miami-Dade for Kamala Harris and local Democratic candidates

Stand with Miami-Dade Democrats for an unprecedented, all-hands-on-deck push to support Kamala Harris and every Democrat on the ballot. Our candidates are coming together to build the most powerful and dynamic volunteer force on the ground.

Join us every Saturday until Election Day. Here’s where we’re starting:

September 7:

  1. 9 AM: Pinecrest and Palmetto Bay (RSVP)
  2. 1 PM: Little Havana (RSVP)

September 14: Hialeah (RSVP)

Phonebanking and other volunteer opportunities can be found here



A night of triumph in Miami-Dade and a call to DO SOMETHING

Tuesday was nothing short of extraordinary for Miami-Dade County. The victories we secured in key elections are a testament to the relentless dedication and passion of Democrats across the county. Your efforts have truly made a difference, and we want to express our deepest gratitude.

Please join us on Thursday evening for one of our watch parties of Kamala Harris' acceptance speech:

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Demócratas de Miami-Dade Condenan el Ataque de Nicolás Maduro a la Democracia

El pueblo de Venezuela votó en números sin precedentes, y el Comité Ejecutivo Demócrata (DEC) de Miami-Dade los aplaude y apoya por su valentía y compromiso con la democracia. También apoyamos a la comunidad venezolana de Miami-Dade que ha defendido ferozmente la libertad y la democracia del cruel régimen de Chávez-Maduro durante más de 25 años.

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Miami-Dade Democrats Condemn Nicolas Maduro’s Attack on Democracy

The Miami-Dade Democratic Executive Committee (DEC) strongly denounces and condemns Nicolas Maduro’s attempt to steal the Venezuelan presidential election and subvert the will of the Venezuelan people. Voters turned out in unprecedented numbers, showing great courage and commitment to democracy, and it is abhorrent that the Maduro regime is attempting to silence their voices.

Lee en español:

Demócratas de Miami-Dade Condenan el Ataque de Nicolás Maduro a la Democracia

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August 2024 Election Recap Join us for our Blue Gala fundraiser on Saturday, September 21 Kamala Harris Accomplishments