A plantar bandera con nuestros votos, como buenos boricuas que somos

La comunidad puertorriqueña en la Florida debe demostrar su fuerza en el ámbito político para así mejorar nuestras oportunidades de lograr cambios muy específicos a nuestro pueblo. Muchos de nosotros nos fuimos de nuestra isla en busca de una mejor vida, y para que esto se haga realidad, debemos de unirnos y exigir acción a nuestros líderes con nuestro voto. Sólo de esta manera podremos mantener una buena calidad de vida en los Estados Unidos y a la vez, ayudar la situación que actualmente deteriora a nuestro Puerto Rico.

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FDP Rules and Bylaws proposed changes

I was recently appointed to the FDP Rules Committee. In a recent conference call last Thursday, the Rules Committee discussed how to best present the proposed FDP bylaws changes, the culmination of a year-long process. There are some major changes to the bylaws including changes to the "weighted voted," changing eligibility rules to run for State Chair, and other changes (many of which are dependent on changing the weighted voted).

On Thursday March 22, the Rules committee voted to ask the State Executive Committee to consider the "weighted vote" question first, followed by the rest of the amendments. While I'm not entirely sure in what exact manner the amendments will be presented, I would like to share the documents that were discussed:

The State Party will meet on Sunday, April 15 at 10am in Orlando to vote on these proposed amendments. Over the next few days, I hope to break down what all these amendments mean and how it will impact our DEC.


High school students to host full-day summit on April 7

This movement is being led and will be won by young people. With a coalition of partners, we are organizing a large scale convening of high school student leaders in Miami-Dade.

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Florida District 114 voter registration deadline on April 3. Every vote counts.

Attention Coral Gables and surrounding areas: on May 1st, District 114 will elect a new Florida state representative. Considering that FL voters need to register in their district 29 days before an election, time is running out to ensure that voters have their information up-to-date. If you have friends in the district, please remind them. 

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Rally To Tally for Gun Reform

We have had enough! Right now the Florida legislature is up in Tallahassee trying to pass laws that will make it easier to purchase a firearm. ENOUGH!

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February DEC Meeting Minutes

We had a great meeting last week with our first satellite location participating!  We also presented our February Fundraising Competition and the Neighborhood Organizer Initiative.  Draft minutes can be accessed through the link below.


Draft Minutes


The Party should be funded by people like you and me

The local Miami-Dade Democratic Party is not subsidized by the DNC. We are a self-funded, membership-driven organization of dedicated volunteers. We don't think our Party should be funded by special interests. That's not how we build a winning coalition.

If we truly want to be a Party of the people and for the people, then we need to be funded by the people. That's why we are asking our members to sign-up to become a Sustaining Member and commit to making a monthly recurring donation of at least $5.

This month (February 2018) we are also launching a fundraising competition with a goal of collectively raising $50,000. These funds will allow us to ramp up our efforts to:

  • mobilize volunteers for the State House Special Election in May;
  • ramp-up our Neighborhood Organizer program where we recruit, train and mobilize Democrats across Miami-Dade;
  • and continue our candidate training seminars, and start building a more comprehensive candidate development program that includes training, mentoring, and ongoing guidance to future candidates.
  • continue guiding and strengthening our clubs through support for voter registration, membership drives, and voter contact efforts, to better position Democrats to mobilize and win in the 2018 and 2020 elections.

The word "fundraising" can be scary, but we are not asking you to raise millions of dollars from people you never met. We are asking you call you friends and colleagues and ask them to invest in our shared political future. Training will be provided.

If you are interested in learning more, please follow this link.


Executive Committee elected new leadership in December 2024