Miami-Dade Democrats call on DeSantis administration to reject Corrupt Carlos-style pay-to-play contracts for new FIU bridge

FDOT should learn from Giménez’s deadly failures, put safety above politics in selecting new FIU bridge construction firm

MIAMI FL: Two years after the tragic collapse of a pedestrian bridge at Florida International University that killed six, Florida’s Department of Transportation announced its plan for a new bridge project yesterday.

“Over and over, Corrupt Carlos Giménez has doled out public money to his friends, family, and donors. He favored extending a $130 million contract to the firm who built the original bridge, because of his deep family ties to the firm,” said Steve Simeonidis, Chair of the Miami-Dade Democratic Party. “Governor DeSantis and Transportation Secretary Thibault must avoid this mistake. The next FIU bridge contract should go to a firm that does competent, safe work, not a political insider.”

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Help Us End Trump's Chaos

It's time to end Trump's chaos.

He downplayed the severity of the coronavirus pandemic, then he avoided responsibility, and started promoting unproven (and downright dangerous) cures. We've made a video about it.

Trump's chaos is killing us. We can end the chaos with your help.


185 Days To Defeat Trump

The beginning of May marks several milestones. We have 108 days until our August Primary when we can elect a Democratic Mayor of Miami-Dade for the first time in 16 years. 

And we have 185 days until November 3, when we defeat Trump and send a new crop of Democrats to Tallahassee to hold Governor DeSantis accountable for the mess Florida is in.

We’re in a strong position to do both of these things, thanks to historically high Democratic voter registration in Miami-Dade. We announced this week that we had 616,553 registered Democrats in our county, an increase of nearly 14,000 voters since the 2018 election. We’re proud of that enormous voter registration push, and we think it puts us in a strong position for the August and November elections. 

Now our focus is on making phone calls to voters around the county to enroll them in Vote-By-Mail. And we made the decision weeks ago that these phone calls would be wellness checks first. There is dire need in Miami-Dade County. In fact, there is real food insecurity here due to the combination of joblessness and the broken unemployment system that Rick Scott and the Republican legislature in Tallahassee created.

On these phone banks, we’ve connected voters with resources they need. We’ve heard from folks who ask for help finding food distributions. And we’ve helped many, many voters enroll in Vote-By-Mail.

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Corrupt Carlos At It Again: Shocking Emails Show How Mayor Is Using Public Health Crisis For Political Gain

Alerts Sent to Monroe County Raise Questions About Corrupt Carlos Mixing Mayoral Duties with Congressional Run

MIAMI, FL: Alarming emails revealed by an NBC6 investigation confirm the political motivation behind Corrupt Carlos Giménez’s county staffs’ decision to put his name on a series of public safety alerts. The alerts were seen as far south as Islamorada, which is in Monroe County and outside of his jurisdiction, but still within the Congressional District Corrupt Carlos is running for.

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Miami-Dade Democratic Party Slams Ron DeSantis for playing politics with public health crisis

Declaring WWE Wrestling an essential business looks like worst kind of pay-to-play politics

MIAMI, FL: Miami-Dade Democratic Party Chair Steve Simeonidis slammed Gov. Ron DeSantis for declaring WWE Wrestling an essential business while WWE owner and former SBA Administrator Linda McMahon’s Super PAC “America First” announced an $18.5 million ad buy in Florida on behalf of Donald Trump’s reelection. 

“Ron DeSantis should be focused on getting our frontline healthcare workers the equipment they need and fixing our state’s broken unemployment system so that workers can get the help they need,” Simeonidis said. “Instead we have what appears to be the worst kind of swamp behavior, and pay-to-play politics.”


Miami-Dade Democratic Party Calls on County Commission to Stop Allocating Resources for 836 Toll Road Boondoggle

Recent Court Ruling Against Project Bolsters Case that Commission Should Rescind Authorizing Legislation

MIAMI, FL: The Miami-Dade Democratic Executive Committee passed a resolution at its Monday meeting urging the Miami-Dade County Commission and the Mayor to “revisit and rescind their decision”  to approve an amendment to the Comprehensive Development Master Plan allowing for the extension of the the SR 836 Expressway 13 miles outside the Urban Development Boundary. The resolution also called on the Commission and Mayor to rescind the federal application for permitting the toll road extension, and to cease allocating county staff and financial resources in pursuit of the project. 

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Receiving and providing support in times of crisis. The importance of mutual aid

We are living through an unprecedented time, and likely flooded with thoughts of how can I help, who can help me, and what’s going to happen next. It’s even more important that we unite as a community virtually. Several community leaders have stepped up to create a grassroots mutual aid group on Facebook, where members can make requests for support, offer assistance, and share vital resources and events. This is an excellent opportunity to come together and be there for one another.

Search on Facebook for COVID-19 South FL Mutual Aid

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Executive Committee elected new leadership in December 2024