Trump es responsable de empeorar la crisis del coronavirus, comunidad hispana la más afectada por su respuesta
Con más de 52.000 floridanos con casos positivos de COVID-19 y más de dos millones de trabajadores desempleados desde que la crisis llegó a Florida, Donald Trump continúa fallando a los floridanos en su respuesta al coronavirus. A pesar de que Donald Trump quiere actuar como si todo estuviera bajo control, el COVID-19 continúa esparciéndose en Florida y en la nación debido a la incapacidad del presidente de manejar la crisis. Por su parte, la comunidad hispana ha sido la más impactada durante esta crisis, una comunidad totalmente olvidada por Trump. Con motivo de la visita de Donald Trump a Florida, hemos recopilado una serie de noticias a tomar en cuenta:
Read more110 miembros serán elegidos al Comité Ejecutivo del Partido Demócrata de Miami-Dade
Todavía estás a tiempo de postularse para representar a tu distrito en el Comité Ejecutivo del Partido Demócrata de Miami-Dade.
En agosto, los votantes de Miami-Dade inscritos en el Partido Demócrata seleccionarán a 110 representantes que constituirán el Comité Ejecutivo Demócrata (DEC por sus siglas en inglés). Cada uno de los 55 distritos del condado elegirán un representante y una representante.
Estos representantes tendrán la responsabilidad de organizar los recintos en sus distritos (alrededor de 25K personas por distrito) y de dar voz a sus constituyentes dentro del Partido Demócrata local.
Read moreMore Maduro-Linked Donations to Republicans Emerge: Rhonda Rebman Lopez and Irina Vilariño accepted Tainted Money
- House District 120 candidate Rhonda Rebman Lopez accepted $1,000 in September 2019.
- Former Congressional District 26 candidate Irina Vilariño accepted $2,800 in December 2019.
Miami-Dade Democrats Condemn Maduro-Linked Donations to Commission Candidate John DuBois

“John DuBois owes the residents of District 8 an explanation for accepting donations linked to the brutal regime of Nicolas Maduro. He must return those funds immediately. Candidate DuBois owes this community an apology for accepting tainted money and for his silence in the face of this scandal.”
Miami-Dade Democrats Condemn Maduro-Linked Donations to Commissioner Esteban "Steve" Bovo's Mayoral Campaign

Miami-Dade Democrats Join Calls For DeSantis To Accept Federal Funds For Safer Elections During COVID-19 Crisis
MIAMI, FL: The CARES Act included $400 million in election safety grants, with Florida eligible for over $20 million dollars to make our elections safer. Yet, as of May 12, Florida is one of only six states that have not requested these funds.
Calls for accepting the funding continue to mount. Over the last week, Commissioner of Agriculture Nikki Fried and Democratic members of Florida’s congressional delegation have called on Governor Ron DeSantis to request these needed funds.
Steve Simeonidis, chair of the Miami-Dade Democratic Party, urged Governor DeSantis to act to protect Florida voters:
“No one should have to choose between exercising their right to vote and protecting their health. While we are focused every day on educating voters on safe ways to exercise their rights to vote, it is a travesty that the DeSantis administration has not requested the federal funds allocated to Florida to make our elections safer. He must act now.”
You decide who gets to go to the convention from Miami-Dade. Sign up by Wednesday 5/13
Most people don't realize, but it's up to registered Democratic Party voters to elect who will represent them at the Democratic National Convention in August! All you need to do is make sure you request a ballot at this link by Wednesday 5pm, and you will be emailed a ballot. Actual voting will take place electronically between Thursday and Saturday.
Enter here to request an electronic ballot for this special online election
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