Florida’s Voting System Ain’t Broke, So Why Are Republican Politicians Trying to Fix It?

Everyone from Donald Trump to Ron DeSantis acknowledges that Florida’s 2020 election was well-handled, and Republicans did well up and down the ballot. So why have Republicans in Tallahassee put up a series of bills that will make it much harder for people to vote by mail, end the use of drop-boxes, and threaten to close our neighborhood polling places, and make it a crime to give water to a voter on line?

Because, in 2020, for the first time, more Democrats voted by mail than did Republicans, almost 900,000 more. And since most of those voters signed up for vote-by-mail in 2019 or 2020, they’ll automatically be receiving vote-by-mail ballots in 2022. And since Governor DeSantis won his race by less than 35,000 votes, eliminating the Democratic vote-by-mail advantage heading into the Governor’s re-election campaign has become a priority.

What specifically are they trying to do?

The worst of the pending bills, SB 90, is such a blatant effort to destroy the vote-by-mail system that even its sponsors haven’t been able to articulate a plausible need for it. It is loudly and consistently opposed by all of the state’s 67 supervisors of election, most of whom are Republicans, and the editorial boards of every major news outlet. SB 90 will:

  • Wipe out all of the millions of vote-by-mail requests currently on file
  • Force every voter who had a request on file to file another one
  • Limit new vote-by-mail requests to one general election (half the length of current requests)
  • Eliminate entirely the safe, secure, ballot drop boxes used without incident by more than 1.5 million Floridians in 2020
  • Make it a serious crime for anyone but a member of a voter’s immediate family to take their vote-by-mail ballot to the mailbox (so no friends, neighbors, or caregivers can help)

Because there is no funding for it in the bill, county taxpayers will have to bear the multi-million-dollar cost of complying with these changes and letting voters know about them.

Is there a discriminatory element to all of this?

The focus on undoing vote-by-mail will clearly have a disparate and unfortunate impact on the elderly and voters with disabilities, but there is more. Using drop boxes to return vote by mail ballots played a significant role in overcoming historically well-justified fears, particularly in many of Florida’s Black communities, of the ability of the postal service to get the ballots in on time. And drop boxes also made it feasible for voters working in the service industries and others in underserved communities to quickly ensure that their ballots were cast without taking substantial time off of work or other obligations.

There is an even greater risk of suppressing Black votes in the threat that the presence of suburban “super voting sites” could serve as legal cover and pretext for shutting down neighborhood polling places, which are in walking distance for many urban voters. Countless combinations of super voting locations and precinct closings have the potential to suppress Black votes in numbers large enough to change or guarantee outcomes up and down the ticket in 2022.

What can be done?

We have seen that protests of some of these awful provisions in this and other legislation have been effective.  So, we need to add all our voices in protest of these horrible provisions.

We must contact our local Republican elected officials (you can find them here) and tell them to vote no on SB 90. Tell them to fix or forget SB 774/HB 635 and SB 656. And tell them you care about access to the vote. Then share this post with your friends and networks, and ask them to do the same.

Read the full post here.


Party of the people: Reflections of a working class mom on the American Rescue Plan

The working-class is of different identities, races, and ethnicities, and yet we all get up every morning to provide for our families. I have been a single parent of two boys since they were babies, persevering through hard financial and emotional times. My parents have owned a small medical clinic for over 20 years, employing me and providing support during my divorce.  Despite the financial struggles I went through in those times, none have compared to the challenges of this past year. This pandemic has highlighted the vulnerabilities of our communities and shown why it is so necessary that our most vulnerable receive the support of our government systems. This is what makes the newly passed American Rescue Plan so significant. The bill focuses on the working-class families who have been asking our elected officials, our government, and our system to finally work for us.

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Celebración - TPS para Venezolanos


Do Florida Republicans want to purge existing enrollments in Vote By Mail? Make your voice heard.

Back in 2006, Republicans held a hefty advantage in Florida in voting by mail. But in 2020, Democrats had a clear lead in the use of vote by mail. Now that vote by mail no longer works in their favor, many Republicans want to eliminate existing enrollments!

Vote By Mail voting by political party (From Sun-Sentinel)

On Tuesday, February 16, The Ethics & Elections Committee, advanced legislation, SB 90, that if enacted would purge existing Vote By Mail enrollments and force every Florida voter to reapply after each general election.

The immediate result? Voting systems throughout the state of Florida will be thrown into chaos. And then, not surprisingly, DeSantis and Rubio will easily win re-election in 2022.  

State Senator Ileana Garcia (District 37) has pledged to work across the aisle. She sat on the committee and could be a swing vote to prevent it from it becoming law

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Florida Anti-Protest Bill denounced by Miami-Dade Democratic Party

Party will organize days of action to reach out to pertinent officials and committees ahead of their review of the Legislation

The Miami-Dade Democratic Party voted to oppose House Bill 1 / Senate Bill 484 and denounce the legislators who support these unconstitutional filings. These bills were filed in January, disguised as a reaction to the Capitol insurrection. In reality, the legislation had been drafted and press advised months in advance, in an attempt to discourage grassroots protesting.


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Miami-Dade Democrats Censure Miami Beach Commissioner Ricky Arriola

The Miami-Dade Democratic Party voted to censure Miami Beach Commissioner Ricky Arriola, currently registered as a Democrat. Over the past year, Arriola amplified unproven COVID-19 treatments, pushed herd immunity, advocated for jailing Dr. Fauci, and compared the treasonous Capitol insurrection to the Black Lives Matter human rights movement.

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Miami Dems to Tallahassee on Florida Unemployment: Focus on Relief for Millions of Unemployed

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