Time for a higher minimum wage in Florida

Senator_Bullard_-_Minimum_Wage_Press_Conference.jpgThis week, Senator Dwight Bullard and Representative Cynthia Stafford took a critical step on behalf of Florida's working families by introducing legislation that would increase the state minimum wage.

The Miami-Dade Democratic Party commends and stands with Senator Bullard and Representative Stafford in their call for a higher minimum wage.

"Rick Scott and his Republican colleagues in Washington claim to be 'pro-job' and 'pro-economy'," said Miami-Dade Democratic Party chair Annette Taddeo-Goldstein. "Yet at every opportunity and every level, their policies make life more difficult, not less, for millions of hardworking families in this country, especially the people struggling the most and working the hardest to get by."
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Infographic: What we achieved together in 2013

YearEndInfographicClip.pngWow — what a year 2013 was! We elected an incredible new chair in Annette Taddeo-Goldstein, sent our largest delegation ever to the state conference, and got involved in three critical (successful!) elections — but that's only part of the story. We couldn't believe how much we were all able to accomplish working together last year, so we put together an infographic that highlights some of our achievements. Click here for the full infographic.

2014 — here we come!


Kick off the New Year: 1st general meeting of 2014

newyearkickoffmeeting2014.png2014 is FINALLY here — and it's time to hit the ground running to make sure that we elect (and protect) Democrats in critical races this year! Join us on Monday, January 13th for our first general meeting of 2014 to learn about priorities and key elections this year, hear from special guest speaker Senator Nan Rich, and learn how YOU can get more involved today.

The meeting is Monday, January 13th, 2014 at 7 pm at the American Legion, with a potluck beforehand at 6 pm. 

RSVP on Facebook here.

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Join Rep. McGhee for a toy drive

Please join Representative Kionne McGhee for a toy drive benefiting the children of inmates on Tuesday, December 17th at News Lounge (5580 NE 4th Court, Miami 33137).

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Our first-ever Blue Gala was a huge success

kennedy1.JPGThe Miami Dems are proud and excited to announce that our first-ever Blue Gala held Sunday, November 17th at the Biltmore was a completely sold-out event — and an enormous success.

View photos from the event here.  

A packed house of Democrats and elected officials from across Miami gathered to hear Ed Schultz receive the 2013 Progressive Champion award and Congressman Joe Kennedy deliver the keynote address.

But the event was first and foremost a celebration of Democrats in Miami-Dade — of all we have accomplished and all we are going to achieve together. We honored 5 outstanding Democratic leaders: Congresswoman Carrie P. Meek, party leader Stephen Bittel, trailblazer Representative David Richardson, legislative champion Senator Oscar Braynon, and rising star Jon Adrabi. 

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Catch Annette talking about the governor's race on the Ed Show

Ed Schultz came to Miami to receive our inaugural 2013 Progressive Champion award at the first-ever Blue Gala — and then pulled Annette for his show the next day! Catch her on the Ed Show talking about the governor's race and the critical importance of the Hispanic vote (video below):


Miami Dems to Celebrate Investing Locally by Recognizing 5 Florida Democratic Leaders

Date: Monday, November 11, 2013
Contact: Rachel Johnson, 305.771.2167
Email[email protected]

Miami Dems to Celebrate Investing Locally by Recognizing 5 Florida Democratic Leaders

Carrie_meek.jpgThe Miami-Dade Democratic Party is excited to announce that it will present awards to five outstanding Florida Democratic leaders at the party's first-ever Blue Gala, taking place Sunday, November 17th at the Biltmore in Coral Gables.

The Lifetime Civic Leadership award will be presented to the Honorable Carrie P. Meek; the Party Leader award will be given to longtime Democratic champion and DNC Committeemember Stephen BittelSenator Oscar Braynon will receive the Legislative Champion award; Representative David Richardson will receive the Breaking Barriers award; & prolific Democratic fundraiser Jon Adrabi will receive the Rising Star award. 

"The goal of the Blue Gala is to raise annual funds essential to sustaining our work building a local progressive movement in Miami," said Miami-Dade Dems Chairwoman Annette Taddeo-Goldstein. "So it is also a perfect opportunity to celebrate some of the south Florida Democratic heroes who have opened doors, blazed trails, elected candidates, and passed laws that continue to make our state more equitable and more progressive." 


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Executive Committee elected new leadership in December 2024