Miami-Dade County Referendums 2020 Recommendations

The chance to add independent oversight of county government is in the hands of voters. There are some important Miami-Dade referendums to vote on in 2020 and we hope you read our recommendations and rationale.


Home Rule Charter Amendment Establishing Independent Inspector General

Shall the County Charter be amended to create an Independent Office of Inspector General who shall, at a minimum, be empowered to perform investigations, audits, reviews and oversight of County and County-funded contracts, programs, and projects for abuse, waste and mismanagement, and provide Inspector General services to other governmental entities, with such office’s appointment, term, powers, duties and responsibilities to be further established by Ordinance?

Our recommendation: YES

Why: Checks and balances are important. With a budget of nine billion dollars, Miami-Dade and its administration should have the proper oversight to ensure that taxpayers' money is being spent properly. This should not be a partisan issue, we should all demand a well operated government.


Charter Amendment Regarding Elections to Fill Mayor or Commission Vacancies During Primary and General Elections

Shall the Charter be amended to require that when the Mayor or member of the County Commission resigns prospectively to run for another office the vacancy will be filled by election during the Primary and General Election rather than by appointment or by subsequent Special Election?

Our recommendation: YES

Why: Democracy works when voters know to participate, during Primary and General Elections. We should avoid special elections when possible, as they generally have lower voter turnout and incur additional costs to taxpayers. 


Nonpartisan Election of County Sheriff, Property Appraiser, Tax Collector and Supervisor of Elections

Shall the Charter be amended to require, commencing with the qualifying for and holding of the General Election in 2024, that, contingent on a change to State law, the election of the Sheriff, Property Appraiser, Tax Collector, and Supervisor of Elections be conducted on a nonpartisan basis and that no ballot shall show the party designation of any candidate for those offices?

Our recommendation: NO

Why: The elected offices mentioned in the referendum increasingly have great influence on day to day operations. Decisions often align with political parties, whether voters agree with this or not. Republicans tend to want to stick to the status quo and protecting those in power, while Democrats push for social justice, progress, equity, technological advances, and protecting the vote of every adult citizen. We think it's important for voters to have clarity on who they are voting for.

We invite you to read our recommendations for the 2020 Florida amendments being voted on

Visit www.votefordemocrats for more info on Democrat endorsed candidates in Miami-Dade

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Executive Committee elected new leadership in December 2024