Get out the vote on your front lawn in Miami
Millions of voters in Florida have already cast their ballot by mail, yet millions of people still do not know there are critical elections taking place. You can help raise awareness by promoting your favorite candidate right from your own home. We are trying to aggregate contacts for all the campaigns so that you can request a yard sign and let your neighbors know who you support.
Read moreMaryin Vargas for Miami-Dade County Commissioner in District 6
I’m running for office because I’m tired of waiting for the important issues in our community to be addressed. I’ve watched years go by without any progress being made. I couldn’t just sit and watch anymore. Transportation, housing, jobs, and climate change need to be at the forefront of our discussions and we need to stand up to developers who are going to invest in projects without consideration for what is truly best for the residents.
Read moreFinal Televised Governor Debate on Thursday 8/2
Miami! If you missed the live debate, you can still watch the one hour video on Facebook. Don't miss this chance to see the 5 Democrat candidates for Governor in their final debate prior to the election.
Read more¿El 58% de los votantes de Miami-Dade no podrán votar?
Hay cinco excelentes candidatos compitiendo por la nominación del Partido Demócrata en la campaña para gobernador de la Florida: Andrew Gillum, Gwen Graham, Jeff Greene, Chris King, y Philip Levine. Sin embargo, el 31% de los votantes registrados de Miami-Dade no están afiliados a ningún partido, y el 27% de los votantes están inscritos como republicanos o bajo un tercer partido. Sólo los afiliados al Partido Demócrata pueden votar en las primarias, que tendrán lugar el 28 de agosto. No pierdas la oportunidad de participar en este momento histórico, mediante el cual podremos reemplazar a los líderes de la Florida.
Read more58% of Miami-Dade voters won't be able to vote?
Five excellent candidates running for Governor of Florida from the Democratic Party. Andrew Gillum, Gwen Graham, Jeff Greene, Chris King, and Philip Levine. But yet 31% of Miami-Dade voters are registered without a party affiliation, and 27% are either registered Republican or with a 3rd party. Don't miss a chance to participate in this historic election where we can change the leadership of Florida.
Read moreRepublicans representing Miami-Dade in Congress?
We are a community primarily of immigrants who came here for better opportunities for our families. We understand the importance of investing in education and health care. We have the chance to flip three congressional districts from Republican to Democrat in 2018. Do you want to have a say in who is going to be the Democrat candidate? Make sure your information is updated by July 30th.
Read moreFlorida Democrats Field Record Number of Candidates
The Florida Democratic Party has a record number of candidates running for the State Legislature in 2018 -- with strong candidates contesting every State Senate seat and more than 100 House Districts being challenged by quality Democrats who are presenting an alternative to 20 years of GOP rule in the state of Florida.
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