
For the first time ever, the Miami-Dade Democratic Party has filed candidates to challenge every single Republican State House Seat. 

"It's time that Miami-Dade Republicans got the message: No more free rides," said chair Annette Taddeo-Goldstein. 

Join us in supporting our young champions and let them know they made the right decision by running for office as Democrats

Republicans in our state legislature have failed over and over again to tackle Florida's most pressing problems: Medicaid expansion, raising the minimum wage, and adequately funding our public education system, to name a few. Because of their inaction, over one million people will continue to suffer from lack of health insurance who would otherwise be covered under the federal expansion. Over 1.2 million Floridians must still struggle to make ends meet working for minimum wage, after Miami-Dade Republican state representative Carlos Trujillo refused to even hear debate on a bill to raise the wage.

Our candidates will run on these issues — and the message that it is time for a change of leadership in Tallahassee. 

Meet all seven candidates after the jump.

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No más contiendas fáciles para los legisladores Republicanos

Watch after the jump!



Miami-Dade Dems: No More Free Rides for Republican Legislators

Date: Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Contact: Rachel Johnson, 305.771.2167
Email: [email protected]

TODAY AT 11 AM: Miami-Dade Dems: No More Free Rides for Republican Legislators

For the first time ever, the Miami-Dade Democratic Party is challenging every single Republican State House seat in Miami-Dade County.

"It is time that the Republicans get a clear message: No more free rides," said Miami-Dade Democratic Party chair Annette Taddeo-Goldstein. "After the catastrophic failure of Republican legislators to put Florida's people first this year, voters deserve a Democratic choice on the ballot. Many of these incumbents have never even faced a challenger before. Not any more."

Today, Tuesday, June 3rd, candidates will file to run in each of the seven State House districts currently without Democratic challengers.

Just last month, Florida's GOP-controlled state legislature closed yet another failed session without taking any action to tackle the defining problems facing Florida today: Medicaid expansion, raising the minimum wage, and adequately funding our public education system, to name a few. Because of their inaction, over one million Floridians will continue to suffer from lack of health insurance who would otherwise be covered under the federal expansion. Over 1.2 million Floridians must still struggle to make ends meet working for minimum wage, after Miami-Dade Republican state representative Carlos Trujillo — who chairs the House Economic Development & Tourism committee — refused to even hear debate on legislation to raise the wage. Meanwhile, Republicans continue to pander to corporate special interests.

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Demócratas de Miami-Dade: No más contiendas fáciles para los legisladores Republicanos

Fecha: Martes, 3 de junio de 2014
Contacto: Rachel Johnson, 305.771.2167
Correo electrónico: [email protected]

Hoy a las 11: Demócratas de Miami-Dade: No más contiendas fáciles para los legisladores Republicanos

Por primera vez en la historia, el Partido Demócrata de Miami-Dade está retando a cada uno de los distritos de la Cámara Estatal ocupados por Republicanos en el Condado Miami-Dade.

"Es tiempo de que los Republicanos reciban un mensaje claro: Basta ya de contiendas fáciles", dijo la presidenta del Partido Demócrata de Miami-Dade, Annette Taddeo-Goldstein. "Después del fracaso catastrófico de los legisladores Republicanos para hacer de las personas de la Florida una prioridad este año, los electores se merecen una opción en la boleta. Muchos de estos titulares nunca antes siquiera habían enfrentado oposición en unas elecciones. Basta ya de eso".

Hoy, martes tres de junio, se postularan candidatos para elecciones en seis distritos de la Cámara Estatal que actualmente no tienen aspirantes Demócratas.

Tan sólo el pasado mes, la legislatura estatal de la florida controlada por el Partido Republicano cerró otra sesión fallida más sin que se tomara medida alguna para enfrentar problemas definidos que la Florida enfrenta hoy en día: la expansión del Medicaid, el aumento del salario mínimo y la financiación adecuada de nuestro sistema de educación público, por nombrar algunos. Debido a su falta de acción, más de un millón de floridanos continuará sufriendo de falta de seguro médico, personas que de otro modo estarían cubiertos bajo la expansión federal. Más de 1,2 millones de floridanos tienen aún que luchar para cubrir sus necesidades trabajando por un salario mínimo, después que el representante estatal Republicano por Miami-Dade, Carlos Trujillo, (quien preside el comité de la Cámara sobre Desarrollo Económico y Turismo) se rehusó a tan siquiera escuchar el debate sobre la legislación para aumentar el salario. Mientras tanto, los Republicanos continúan su coqueteo con los intereses corporativos especiales.

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Legislative Update: Final Countdown

This it: The final three days of session in Tallahassee.

Our Democratic legislators have been fighting to protect the social safety net, expand opportunity for immigrants and much more — but now, they need your help. 

We still have time to make sure key pieces of legislation pass and to stop some terrible bills in their tracks, but we have to act now. Here are our key action items today:

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Thursday at 11 am: Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz, Senator Dwight Bullard, Annette Taddeo-Goldstein to Hold Press Call on Raising the Minimum Wage

Date: Thursday, April 10, 2014
Contact: Rachel Johnson, 305.771.2167
Email: [email protected]

TODAY at 11 am: Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz, Senator Dwight Bullard & Annette Taddeo-Goldstein to Hold Call on Raising the Minimum Wage in Florida

Today, Thursday, April 10th at 11 am, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Senator Dwight Bullard & Annette Taddeo-Goldstein will hold a press call about raising the minimum wage in Florida.

Currently a parent working 40 hours a week, year-round on minimum wage lives in poverty. Raising the minimum wage means that hundreds of thousands of hardworking Floridians will finally be paid an honest wage for honest work. Yet Republicans in Tallahassee continue to block legislation that would raise the wage to $10.10 — refusing to even bring it for debate in committee.

What: Press call with Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Senator Dwight Bullard, and Miami Dems Chair Annette Taddeo-Goldstein about raising the minimum wage in Florida to $10.10

When: Thursday, April 10th at 11 am ET

Dial-in information

Call-in number: 305-330-5961
PIN: 66015    

Email [email protected] with any questions. 


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Annette Taddeo-Goldstein, Senator Dwight Bullard Living on Minimum Wage for a Week

Date: Friday, April 4, 2014
Contact: Rachel Johnson, 305.771.2167
Email: [email protected]

Annette Taddeo-Goldstein, Senator Dwight Bullard Living on Minimum Wage For a Week
click here for the release in Spanish

This week, Miami-Dade Dems chair Annette Taddeo-Goldstein will join Senator Dwight Bullard (D-39) to live on minimum wage for a week to bring attention to an issue affecting millions of Floridians. GOP leadership in the house and senate refuse to move out of committee a bill that would raise the minimum wage to $10.10, as Florida moves into the second and final month of legislative session.

"Republicans' refusal to move on minimum wage is inexcusable," said Taddeo-Goldstein. "Florida has the second-highest number of people working minimum wage of any state in the country — and, after adjusting for inflation, the minimum wage now pays less than it did in 1968.

Senator Bullard and I are standing in solidarity with the millions of workers in Florida who try to make ends meet on an unlivable wage. And we are challenging more state lawmakers to join us — let them try it and see the real human consequences of their inaction in Tallahassee."

A typical week of earnings at minimum wage amounts to $317 before taxes.

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Executive Committee elected new leadership in December 2024