Relaunch of West Kendall Democrats Club

Hello fellow Kendall Democrats! I'm Bryan Hernandez, interim President of the West Kendall Democrats club, and I'm excited to tell you that we're re-launching our club. We will have our general club meeting next month. Former FL State Representative Robert Ascensio will be our keynote speaker to reflect on the 2018 election and plan for the future. 

This past cycle, I was a field organizer for Donna Shalala's congressional campaign and was the campaign manager for Heath Rassner for FL State House 119. I learned a lot from knocking on doors and talking to our neighbors about the issues that mattered to them and their families. One thing that I am convinced of: when Democrats organize, Democrats win. We will not let Kendall become Republican territory. 

Together, we will strengthen the Democratic community in Kendall and become an unstoppable force for wins in 2019 and 2020. Please like our club page on Facebook: and join our Facebook group:

Time: Monday January 7th, 2019 from 7-9pm
Location: Total Wine Community Room - Town and Country Mall
11960 Mills Dr, Miami, FL, 33183

If you're over 21, free wine will be served.

Happy Holidays, and see you on January 7th! 

Bryan Hernandez
[email protected]


Sign up for email updates, and join us at county and local club meetings to learn how to get more involved.

Executive Committee elected new leadership in December 2024