Help select the next President. Register as a Democrat by email before February 18

This is urgent. Over 32% of Miami-Dade voters will not be able to participate in the March 17 primaries because they are not registered with a political party. It's likely that you know someone who belongs to the group and perhaps does not identify 100% with a candidate. Nevertheless, if they recognize that a Democrat is better suited to face the challenges ahead, we need them as a Democrat and a participant in the upcoming Florida primaries.

Lee las instruciones en español

There is little time. They only have until February 18 to register with the Democratic Party and help select a president who is concerned about the environment, access to health care, public education, and living wages. The process is easy with the following steps.

  1. On a piece of paper, write a simple note: I would like to update my party affiliation to the Democratic Party of Florida
  2. Include your name, date of birth, and signature.
  3. Take a picture of the note
  4. Send the note as an attachment to [email protected] with the subject line Party Affiliation Update. In the body, just mention again that you would like to update your party affiliation and that you are attaching the required information.

If you prefer, you can also download and print this simple party affiliation request form for yourself or people you run into who want to vote in the primaries.

Alternatively, you can also complete an online voter registration to update your voter registration fully online

Sample letter of what can be sent... (spanish version)


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