Miami-Dade Democrats Urge Elections Department to Create Drive-though and Walk-up Dropboxes for Vote-By-Mail Dropoff

Miami-Dade, FL: On Monday, June 15, the Miami-Dade Democratic Party Steering Committee passed a unanimous resolution calling for the Miami-Dade Elections Department to create drive-through and walk-up dropboxes for voters to deposit completed Vote-By-Mail ballots.

After seeing long lines of voters attempting to cast their votes during the Wisconsin primary and the Georgia primary, it is imperative that Miami-Dade voters are able to cast their ballots in a no-contact manner. We call on the County Commissioners to vote to support this change in order to ensure a more efficient, safe and secure means to cast a ballot during COVID-19 and we call on the Supervisor of Elections to implement it.

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August 2024 Election Recap Join us for our Blue Gala fundraiser on Saturday, September 21 Kamala Harris Accomplishments