Statement from Steve Simeonidis on his resignation as Chair of the Miami-Dade Democratic Party

Dear Democrats: Thank you. Thank you for all the volunteer hours. Thank you for voting in record numbers. Thank you for your record-breaking donations. Thank you for breaking the glass ceiling and electing Daniella Levine Cava as county mayor - the first democrat in 20 years and first woman ever.

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Miami Dade Democrats' Statement on the Protests in Cuba

Statement regarding the protests in Cuba

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Statement on Gun Reform Executive Orders

Miami-Dade Democrats' Statement on Biden's EOs for Gun Reform

The Miami Dade Democratic Party commends President Biden for his Executive Orders, which represent a significant step forward towards the reduction of gun violence in our country. We hope Congress will follow suit by taking action to enact meaningful gun safety measures.

When announcing this legislation, President Biden stated: “They’ve offered plenty of thoughts and prayers, members of Congress, but they’ve passed not a single new federal law to reduce gun violence Enough prayers. Time for some action.” We agree with the President. Executive Orders are merely a start but cannot be a finish.  

These Executive Orders, in summary, work to stop the proliferation of ghost guns, regulate pistols modified with stabilizing braces, help states enact red flag laws, and support community violence interventions.

Ghost guns are guns that can be built from kits or with a 3-D printer.  This weaponry has no serial numbers making them almost untraceable. Currently, a background check is not required to purchase the kits used to build them.

Red Flag or Extreme Risk Laws allow family or law enforcement to petition a court to prohibit a person exhibiting symptoms of a desire to commit violence against themselves or others from being able to purchase a firearm. 

President Biden’s executive order directs the Department of Justice to draft a model statute for states to enact, one model that will survive court challenges. We support such laws, so long as they afford individuals the opportunity for due process under the law. 

Finally, a stabilizing brace allows pistols to be used in the same manner as a rifle and circumvents regulations on short-barreled rifles.  These often make a pistol easier to conceal than a rifle.

The text of the 2nd Amendment permits the regulation of the right to bear arms. President Biden’s common-sense measures are constitutional and will withstand judicial scrutiny. 

We urge Congress to also consider other rules that will protect us all from gun violence, such as closing the Charleston loophole, which allows persons to purchase firearms without a completed background check, making waiting periods effective, and banning high-capacity magazines, bump stocks, and other such conversion devices.

We stand in solidarity with all the victims, families, activists and organizations in Florida who have stepped up to bring these issues forward and are grateful to the Administration for taking action that is long overdue. It is now on Congress to act. We need gun reform now. 


Statement on Chauvin Verdict


Miami-Dade Democrats' Statement on the Chauvin Verdict

"The Miami-Dade Democratic Party supports the Minnesota jury’s decision to find officer Derek Chauvin guilty to the fullest extent of the charges filed. While no court ruling will ultimately reverse this injustice, we are encouraged by the outcome. The Miami-Dade Democratic Party believes that while this is a step in the right direction, the struggle to defeat systemic racism at all levels of government must continue. We commit to fighting for a day when a badge does not allow you to get away with murder, as it has so many times before."

Miami-Dade Democratic Party Chair Steve Simeonidis issued the following statement: "I'm thankful that Mr. Floyd and his family received some measure of justice, but I still feel for the countless others who are still looking for theirs. We must continue to fight for equality and equal justice under the law. Black Lives Matter."

En español:

"El Partido Demócrata de Miami-Dade apoya la decisión del jurado de Minnesota de declarar culpable al oficial Derek Chauvin al máximo número de los cargos imputados. Si bien ningún fallo judicial en definitiva revertirá la injusticia cometida, el resultado es alentador. El Partido Demócrata de Miami-Dade cree que este es un paso en la dirección correcta, sin embargo, la lucha para derrotar el racismo sistémico a todos los niveles de gobierno debe continuar. Nos comprometemos a luchar por el día en el que una chapa de oficial de la policía no permita a alguien salirse con la suya, como lo ha sucedido en innumerables oportunidades."

Steve Simeonidis, Presidente del DEC: "Estoy agradecido de que el Sr. Floyd y su familia hayan recibido cierta medida de justicia, pero todavía siento por los otros innumerables que persiguen la suya. Debemos seguir luchando por la justicia e igualdad la de condiciones bajo la ley. Black Lives Matter."



Dr. Victor Vázquez Obtiene la Victoria en la Carrera del Consejo de Miami Springs

En una victoria rotunda, el Dr. Víctor Vázquez ganó fácilmente la elección para el escaño del Grupo 4 del Consejo de Miami Springs. Vázquez, residente de muchos años de la ciudad y con profundos lazos comunitarios, obtuvo el 70 por ciento de los votos en la contienda del 6 de abril.

In English: Dr. Victor Vázquez Wins Big in Miami Springs Council Race

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Dr. Victor Vázquez Wins Big in Miami Springs Council Race

In a landslide victory, Dr. Victor Vázquez easily won election to the Miami Springs Council, Group 4 seat. A longtime resident with deep community ties, Vázquez captured 70 percent of the vote in the April 6 contest.

En Español: Dr. Victor Vázquez Obtiene la Victoria en la Carrera del Consejo de Miami Springs

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Miami-Dade Democrats' Statement on the Passing of Congressman Alcee Hastings

Miami, FLA--Miami-Dade Dems' Statement on the Passing of Alcee Hastings


It is with great sorrow that we recognize the passing of Congressman Alcee Hastings of Florida’s 20th Congressional District. Hastings was a man and leader of fierce determination, a relentless refusal to surrender, and a striking capacity to institute change on behalf of his constituents.

As the longest-serving Democratic member of Congress from Florida, Rep. Hastings’ contributions to our Party and country will always be remembered. From his passion to ensure more Americans have affordable healthcare to working to end the power of the gun lobby, Rep. Hastings was a tireless voice for the values and needs of working and marginalized people.

“We are heartbroken by the passing of one of Florida’s strongest advocates for civil rights, Congressman Alcee Hastings. We have lost an irreplaceable cornerstone of our community with this tragic news. My thoughts are with his family, his friends, and all who were touched by this great man. May he rest in power.” -- Chairman Steve Simeonidis

Es con gran pesar que reconocemos el fallecimiento del congresista Alcee Hastings del Distrito 20 del Congreso de Florida. Hastings era un hombre y un líder de feroz determinación, una implacable denegación a rendirse y una capacidad llamativa para instituir el cambio en nombre de sus electores.

Como el miembro demócrata más largo del Congreso de Florida, representante. Las contribuciones de Hastings a nuestro Partido y a nuestro país siempre serán recordadas. Desde su pasión por asegurar que más estadounidenses tengan una atención médica asequible hasta trabajar para poner fin al poder del lobby de armas, Rep. Hastings fue una voz incansable para los valores y necesidades de las personas trabajadoras y marginadas.

“Estamos desconsolados por el fallecimiento de uno de los defensores más fuertes de los derechos civiles de Florida, el congresista Alcee Hastings. Hemos perdido una piedra angular insustituible de nuestra comunidad con estas trágicas noticias. Mi pensamiento está con su familia, sus amigos y todos los que fueron tocados por este gran hombre. Que descanse en paz y poder-- El presidente Steve Simeonidis


Executive Committee elected new leadership in December 2024