Miami Should Defy Navigator Ban, Stand with Broward and Pinellas

Date: Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Contact: Rachel Johnson, 305.771.2167
Email[email protected]

Miami-Dade should defy navigator ban, stand with Broward and Pinellas

Today Broward County is expected to pass a resolution defying Governor Rick Scott's ban of Obamacare navigators from county health offices, joining Pinellas as the second county to resist the navigator ban. 

"We applaud Broward Mayor Kristin Jacobs and county commissioners for resisting Governor Scott's outrageous attempts to deny Floridians access to health care information," said Miami-Dade Democratic Party Chair Annette Taddeo-Goldstein. 

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Really, Mr. Speaker?

Last week the GOP had the gall to release this outrageous video "celebrating" Hispanic Heritage Month. 

The video features Speaker John Boehner and a string of Republicans paying hollow lip services to the contributions of Hispanics to this country. Meanwhile, those same Republican "leaders" are holding the economy hostage over Obamacare — when 15 million Hispanics in this country are uninsured — gutting SNAP benefits for millions of low-income families, and continuing to derail comprehensive immigration reform. 

Watch our video responding to the GOP. (Click here to see the video in Spanish.)

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Mayor Gimenez Cuts County Health Care Planning, Undermines ACA

Date: Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Contact: Rachel Johnson, 305.771.2167
Email[email protected]

Mayor Gimenez cuts county health care planning, undermines the ACA

Mayor Gimenez plans to eliminate Miami-Dade County's Health Care Planning Department on October 1st, the same day a major change to the health care system takes effect nationwide: brand-new online health exchanges open and enrollment begins.

The planning department is in charge of providing strategic solutions to help residents find insurance and planning for changes in health care. Currently 800,000 residents of Miami-Dade, or a third of our population, lack any health insurance.

By slashing the department from the budget, Mayor Gimenez follows the lead of Governor Rick Scott and tea party Republicans to sabotage the Affordable Care Act and prevent low-income Americans from accessing life-saving, affordable health coverage.

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DPVA Chair, Miami-Dade Democratic Chair Conference Call on Cuccinelli and Rubio’s Dangerous Agenda

Date: Monday, September 16, 2013
Contact: Brian Coy, 804.644.1966
Email[email protected]

DPVA Chair and Miami-Dade Democratic Chair Conference Call on Cuccinelli and Rubio’s Dangerous Agenda

On Monday, September 16th at 9:00 am ET, Democratic Party of Virginia Chair Delegate Charniele Herring and Miami-Dade Democratic Party Chair Annette Taddeo-Goldstein will hold a media conference call to discuss how dangerous Ken Cuccinelli and Marco Rubio’s anti-women’s health agenda is for Virginia.

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Libraries Win Hard Victory at County Budget Meeting

Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Contact: Rachel Johnson, 305.771.2167
Email: [email protected]

Libraries Win Hard Victory at County Budget Meeting

Thanks to weeks of hard work by public library advocates and allies, Miami-Dade county commissioners voted last night — at the end of an eight-hour-long meeting during which they heard from hundreds of community members — on a compromise that will use budgetary reserves to fully fund our library system this year.

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We did it: We saved our libraries!

libraries.JPGThis week, library advocates took on County Hall — and won.

After a long, hard fight for public libraries, the county commissioners finally heard us: 251 jobs, 22 libraries, two bookmobiles, and the core of the Miami-Dade public library system were saved in a late-night vote at the county budget meeting.

Hundreds of people took to the podium — during a meeting that lasted more than 8 hours — to speak powerfully and eloquently about the need to invest in our public libraries. Students, teachers, seniors, librarians, library staff, advocates, local mayors, and our own chair Annette Taddeo-Goldstein and executive director Juan Cuba all stressed the vital role of libraries in the life of the community.

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2014 is here! Get trained

Join one of our upcoming trainings on voter registration or our voter database (the VAN). Find dates and times and RSVP below.

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Executive Committee elected new leadership in December 2024