Free & Discounted Rides to the Polls on Election Day

Election day is tomorrow and the Miami Dade Dems want to make sure everyone is able to vote with our Ride to the Polls initiative.

Through Ride to the Polls, we are coordinating free rides to and from the polls with our volunteer drivers.  Due to the availability of our drivers, we are prioritizing ride requests for the elderly and disabled. Additionally, some of our volunteer drivers can assist voters with their ballot at the polls.

Look up your voting location

For further information and to request a ride, please contact our coordinator Gabriella Lopez de Quesada at 305-520-9083 or [email protected].

Ride share companies are also providing discounts or free rides for the disabled to the polls.

Uber: With the promotional code VOTE2018, riders get $10 off a single ride on the most affordable option available in your city.

Lyft: With the promotional code VOTEFL2, riders will receive 50% off. Additionally, Lyft is offering free rides for members of certain underserved communities. Please see link for further details.

Lime: The scooter sharing company will be offering free 30-minute rides with the promotional code LIME2VOTE18

Sign up for email updates, and join us at county and local club meetings to learn how to get more involved.

August 2024 Election Recap Join us for our Blue Gala fundraiser on Saturday, September 21 Kamala Harris Accomplishments