Prevent the arming of teachers in FL and stop Senate Bill 7030 - Call Senator Manny Diaz Jr and sign the petition

Senate Bill 7030 is proposing arming teachers in school. It has passed committees and will be voted on shortly by the Florida State Senate. This bill is opposed by most teachers, teachers unions, students, parents, and even the police. This is not a solution for keeping our schools safe.

Please call Republican State Senator Manny Diaz Jr and let him know that as a parent, student, or constituent you are opposed to this. Our voices must be heard in Tallahassee. For more information you can go to We have just a couple of days to keep our State Legislature from passing a bill that will put our children in danger. We must take action NOW!

Sign the petition below AND call / tweet Manny Diaz Jr.
Phone number: (305) 364-3073
Alternate number: (850) 487-5036
Twitter: @SenMannyDiazJr

1,000 signatures

Will you sign?

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