Maryin Vargas for Miami-Dade County Commissioner in District 6

I’m running for office because I’m tired of waiting for the important issues in our community to be addressed. I’ve watched years go by without any progress being made. I couldn’t just sit and watch anymore. Transportation, housing, jobs, and climate change need to be at the forefront of our discussions and we need to stand up to developers who are going to invest in projects without consideration for what is truly best for the residents.

Early voting starts August 13th. I can use your help to shake up our county commission and transform our policies.

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A bit more about my priorities...

We have an inept administration running a disastrous transportation system that leaves those in need of its services waiting for long periods of time and late to work. We need to make the Transit Department accountable for delivering services in a timely manner, maintenance of the fleets has to be improved as well as constant evaluation of routes to make sure that our citizens can rely on the system to go to their jobs. We also need to demand accountability for the use of the half penny tax for transportation and assure that all of its money is used for the intended purpose as promised to Miami-Dade County tax payers.

A housing crisis has been created while our elected officials have sat idle without moving  a finger to address it. Young families like mine can’t afford to buy a home and for the most part can’t even afford to rent one. We need to implement real regulations that would allow for no waivers of affordable housing requirements from developers. We need to adequately fund and promote the home ownership programs that have helped hundreds of families, like my parents, to afford their first home.  Home ownership is the proven way for families to build wealth, we most help qualifying families take advantage of this and other programs.

Good paying jobs, not minimum wage, is what our community needs. The lack of a reliable transit system coupled with the unaffordable housing is compounded by the fact that we continue to support businesses that create minimum wage jobs.  As government the County has the opportunity and authority to address the creation of good paying jobs for our citizens. It’s the County’s job to work with companies that want to come to Miami-Dade, we need to work on recruiting/growing companies that pay higher wages and stop the promotion of enterprises that bring low paying jobs. If we want our young people to remain in Miami-Dade after graduation, we need to work hard to create the jobs that would meet their needs and aspirations.

We need to seriously address climate change, there are a number of plans and studies that have been conducted at the County level to address the impacts of climate change, but very little has actually been implemented. I will work diligently to move forward implementation of those plans as well as creating the recommended programs. Acting on climate change isn’t only the right thing to do, it’s necessary to do so to protect our community as well as the properties that our residents have worked so hard to acquire. I want to live here and want to make sure that my two-year old can do so too.

Thanks for reading and I would be honored to serve on the county commission.

Maryin Vargas
Candidate for Commissioner, District 6


Check out the map below to see if you or someone you know lives in District 6, including parts of: Coral Gables, Coral Terrace, Fontainebleau, Hialeah, Miami Springs, Westchester, and West Miami

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Executive Committee elected new leadership in December 2024