Oppose House Bill 1 / Senate Bill 484

On February 9, the Democratic Executive Committee of the Miami-Dade Democratic Party overwhelmingly passed a resolution opposing House Bill 1 and Senate Bill 484, which are currently making their way through the Florida legislature.

These bills, which would undermine our rights to free speech and assembly, and potentially impose felony charges on peaceful protesters, are being pushed by Ron DeSantis in direct response to the Movement for Black Lives.

As Americans, we benefit from a rich organizing tradition that stretches back through movements for civil rights, labor rights, and women's rights, to the very rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. House Bill 1 and Senate Bill 484 fly in the face of that rich history.

The Miami-Dade Democratic Party stands firmly against this dangerous, overreaching legislation—add your name below if you do, too.

42 signatures

Will you sign?

Executive Committee elected new leadership in December 2024