Final call to elect Javier Fernandez on May 1st in District 114

For over 20 years, the Republican-controlled state legislature has had a foothold on setting policy in our state. Republican majorities in the House, Senate, and governor’s mansion have allowed lawmakers to drive through legislation that benefits campaign donors and special interests at the expense of the middle class, minorities, and the environment. For everyday Floridians, the impact of a self-serving legislature is clear – a lack of affordable housing and mass transit, unaffordable basic health care options, stagnant wages, and ongoing gun violence.

For 2018, let’s work to end the entrenched pay-to-play culture in Tallahassee that has for long impeded progress in our state. We can start such a task by electing Javier Fernandez, who is running for state representative in District 114. Javier is a local Miamian, accomplished attorney, and a part of a new generation of leadership stepping up to the plate and running for office. Javier has worked in both the public and private sector, with his experience as an attorney providing him with the necessary skills to analyze the nuts and bolts of any issue and come to the best possible solution.

District 114 encompasses Cutler Bay, Coral Gables, and parts of Pinecrest, Palmetto Bay, West Miami, and the City of Miami.

The election is May 1st, and all projections show that this is a very competitive seat. Because the governor scheduled this special election before the several primary races in August, we can expect a low turnout. That is why every vote counts. We’re down to the wire and Javier needs your support.

We can’t afford to have another big sugar & NRA ally in the state legislature.

Here’s what you can do to help:

  • Learn about Javier – check out to get to know a little bit more about Javier and spread the word to friends and neighbors in the district.
  • Help on election day – Contact Elisa Diaz at [email protected] or (305) 733-7676 if you’d be interested in helping to cover a poll on election day.
  • Spread the word on Nextdoor, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Sign up for email updates, and join us at county and local club meetings to learn how to get more involved.

Executive Committee elected new leadership in December 2024