Sign the petition: Say NO to anti-LGBT hate speech and demand that State Rep Mike Hill resign

Late last month, Representative Mike Hill was recorded laughing along with a constituent in Pensacola at the idea of punishing homosexuality with death. What's more, when called on to apologize, he offered the following non-apology: "I deeply regret how the tone of my response to a constituent was received at this event."


In laughing at the idea of gay Floridians being put to death, Mike Hill fails to recognize the basic humanity of LGBTQ+ people.

Human rights should not be a partisan issue. We therefore call on Republican leaders in Tallahassee to join us in asking for Mike Hill's resignation. Should he refuse, we call on his fellow Republicans to strip him of committee assignments to show that such inhumanity has no place in our state government.

1,000 signatures

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Executive Committee elected new leadership in December 2024