Media Training with Joel Silberman

Did you ever wonder how Elizabeth Warren went from academia to politics and got so good at doing interviews so quickly? The Miami-Dade Dems brings you a very special training with one of the top media trainers in the country, Joel Silberman. Learn how to present your message from the person who trains your Democratic Senators and Congress members.

  • This training session is FREE for members of the Democratic Executive Committee. Just simply RSVP below and you are done!
  • All others will have to pay $20 to attend. Please RSVP below and it will take you to another page where you can pay.

Joel's Biography

JOEL SILBERMAN (Democracy Partners) comes to political communications from a disciplined theatrical and musical career and is now a widely respected media strategist/trainer for progressive organizations, activists and candidates. Among his clients are: Progressive Congress, Earth Justice, Van Jones / Rebuild The Dream, Women Donors Network, People for the American Way Foundation, the Young Elected Officials Network, Media Matters for America, the New Organizing Institute (NOI), the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), the National Women’s Law Center, and the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights, The Leadership Conference for Civil and Human Rights, Markos Moulitsas (, Nate Silver (, Mike Lux, Lt. Dan Choi, GetEQUAL, Matthew Segal ( and numerous Federal, State and Local elected officials. Mr. Silberman is on the faculty of the Women's Campaign School at Yale University and is a frequent guest lecturer at the Juilliard School in New York.

4349 NW 36 St
Miami Springs, FL 33166
United States
Google map and directions
Carlos Condarco ·

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Executive Committee elected new leadership in December 2024