Convention Delegate Rules & Requirements

Summary of Delegate Selection Rules & Delegate Filing Requirements

Seventy­‐five percent (75%) and any fraction thereof of the State Convention Delegates elected from each county shall be members of the County Democratic Executive Committee (DEC), and the remainder shall be non-­members.

All delegates must be registered Democrats in the State of Florida. Any registered Democrat may run for a delegate position in the county where he or she is registered. All candidates are required to file this Delegate Filing Form with their County Chair, Vice Chair, State Committeewoman or Committeeman before July 6, 2015.

County Party officers must make the Filing Form available to any Democrat seeking to apply during the filing period. To qualify to be elected as a delegate to the 2015 State Conference, this form must be fully completed, including the Loyalty Oath section (*the only exception is for representatives of organizations not able to make partisan endorsements).

County DEC will hold a meeting for the purpose of electing delegates on July 13, 2015. The election shall be conducted pursuant to the Charter and Bylaws of the Florida Democratic Party. Only members of the County DEC, or their proxy, shall vote.

It will be the decision of the County Chair whether candidates will be allowed  to speak on behalf of their election. If allowed, each candidate will have one (1) minute to speak. Speeches on behalf of other candidates or a slate of candidates are not permitted.

Upon his/her election, the elected delegate shall submit a non-­refundable $45 registration fee (or $25 student registration fee) made payable to the Florida Democratic Party (see paragraph below).

Each County DEC shall be responsible for its own expenses incurred in holding the election. County DEC’s may vote to add a surcharge of up to $20 per delegate to defray local expenses related to the Conference. This surcharge may be included with registration fee with payment made to the County DEC. The County DEC is responsible for ensuring each elected delegate’s registration fee is paid to the FDP.

(NOTE: Non-­delegates will be allowed to attend the conference workshops and seminars. The fee for non­‐delegates is $75.)

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