Convention 2016

We want to congratulate the winners of the May 7 Delegate elections!

  • CD23 - Clinton Delegates are Diana Pittarelli, Stephanie Grutman Zauder, Frank Ortis, Henry Rose. Sanders Delegates are Jamie Friend and John Archer
  • CD24 - Clinton Delegates are Dorothy Bendross Mindingall, Elizabeth Judd, Edith Owens, Bernard Jennings, Eddie Lewis and Fedrick Ingram. Sanders Delegates are Kira Willig and Chris Riker
  • CD25 - Clinton Delegates are Marco Giron and Sandra Ruiz. Sanders Delegate is Amparo Glukstad
  • CD26 - Clinton Delegates are Leonarda Duran-Buike, Maria Lindor-Latortue, and Mark Songer. Sanders Delegate is Giancarlo Espinos
  • CD27 - Clinton Delegates are Daniella Levine Cava, Daisy Baez, and Ken Russell. Sanders Delegate is Bruce Jacobs

If you would still like to be a delegate, you can still apply to be an At-Large, PLEO or Alternate. Click here to download the 2016 PLEO, At-Large and Alternate Delegate Filing Form. The deadline is Monday, May 9 at Noon.

Please complete the form and mail to:

Florida Democratic Party
ATTN: PLEO, At-Large, Alternate
214 S. Bronough Street
Tallahassee, FL 32301



The selection process for delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Philladelphia, PA works as follows:

  1. The results of Florida's March 15, 2016 presidential primary election were used to apportion delegates to the national convention. You can find the full allocation here.
  2. On May 7, 2016, grassroots Democrats from each of Florida’s 27 congressional districts will meet in congressional district caucuses to elect 140 district-level delegates to the Democratic National Convention.
  3. Following the congressional district caucuses, in conjunction with the Florida Democratic Party’s Leadership Blue weekend, the district-level delegates will meet to select 27 Pledged Party Leader and Elected Official (PLEO) Delegates, 45 At-Large Delegates, and 17 At-Large Alternates to the Democratic National Convention.

* Delegates pay their own travel and lodging. The Convention is in Philadelphia from July 25 through July 29. The average flight costs about $200 and the room-rates at the convention hotel for Florida delegates (Downtown Marriott Hotel) are $560 per night (1 King) and $630 (2 Queens) with a 4-night minimum. 


Executive Committee elected new leadership in December 2024