
We encourage all Democratic Executive Committee Members to get involved by requesting to join a committee. Here are our active committees and committee chairs:

  • Programs Committee: Allison Sardinas, Chair
    • The Programs Committee coordinates the Miami-Dade Democratic Party's organizing program, including the training of DEC Elected Members and Precinct Captains, as well as phone banking, text banking, and other efforts to get out the vote for Democratic candidates.
  • Outreach Committee: Rodrigo Lozano, Chair
    • The Outreach Committee organizes and executes a variety of actions, from beach and park cleanups, to food and clothing drives, to immigration seminars and more, all over Miami-Dade County. The Outreach Committee is where you get to put the Democratic values that tie us together into practice in service of your community.
  • Budget Committee: Open Seat, Chair
    • The Budget Committee shall advise the Chair in the creation and expenditures of a budget and other official matters as requested by the Chair from time to time.
  • Party Affairs Committee: Nikola Patterson Molina, Chair
    • The Party Affairs Committee will be responsible for handling general correspondence and administrative tasks to aid in the smooth functioning of the Party. The Party Affairs Committee will also manage general compliance tasks as required from FDP and the Supervisor of Elections.
  • Credentials Committee: Venusmia Fernandez Lovely, Chair
    • The Credentials Committee shall make recommendations concerning the legality of all members present at meetings, shall investigate the qualifications of all members serving on the County Executive Committee, and shall determine that all applicants for appointment to the County Executive Committee are registered Democrats qualified by law to serve and who have knowledge of their responsibilities as committee members.
  • Affirmative Action Committee: Open Seat, Chair
    • The Affirmative Action Committee shall work in conjunction with the Florida Democratic Party Affirmative Action Committee to further the goals and policies of the Democratic Party.
  • Voter Registration Committee: Marybeth Prusher, Chair; Lisa Askowitz, Co-Chair
    • The Voter Registration Committee shall coordinate a community drive on a continual basis with the objective of encouraging all qualified persons to register to vote as Democrats.
  • Issues Committee: Rodrigo Lozano, Interim Chair
    • The Issues Committee consists of at least one member from each Caucus and Club chartered in Miami-Dade and any other persons appointed by the Chair. The Issues Committee shall make recommendations to the Democratic Executive Committee regarding action on local, state, and national issues.
  • Finance Committee: Shed Boren, Co-Chair; Veronica de Zayas, Co-Chair
    • The Finance Committee shall advise the Chair in the raising of funds and assist the Chair with development, including but not limited to fundraising efforts and events, and in other official matters as requested by the Chair from time to time.
  • Membership Committee: Tony Pierre, Chair
    • The DEC Membership Committee focuses on engaging current and new members through programming and event coordination. As well as, recruiting diverse cross sections of our democratic electorate into becoming active members of the DEC and Clubs and Caucuses.
  • Legislative Liaison Committee: Nancy Lawther, Chair
    • The Legislative Liaison Committee shall coordinate all activities between members and Democratic elected officials in Miami-Dade County and shall develop procedures to monitor member compliance with such activities.
  • Interclub Council: Open Seat
    • The Interclub Council shall consist of the Presidents of every duly chartered Democratic Club within Miami-Dade County. The Chair shall appoint the Chair of the Interclub Council. The Interclub Council shall review, recommend, and coordinate all activities between the Democratic Clubs and the County Executive Committee and shall develop procedures to monitor Democratic Club compliance with state and local Democratic Party Bylaws and regulations.
  • Labor Committee: Janice Coakley, Co-Chair; Nucleus Shelton, Co-Chair
    • Labor Committee consisting of representatives of organized labor shall be appointed by the Chair.
  • Communication Committee: Victoria F. Vega, Chair
    • The Communication Committee handles ongoing publishing of locally relevant content about the Democratic Party, and works with other committees to support their initiatives. This includes everything from PR (press releases, press conferences), to social media (FB, Twitter, Instagram), to owned media (website, email), and media appearances. 
  • Rules & Bylaws Committee: David Geller, Chair
    • The Rules and Bylaws Committee shall suggest and review amendments to the Bylaws of the County Executive Committee, suggest and review motions concerning the operating procedure of the County Executive Committee, review and monitor State and National Democratic Party rules and other procedures to ascertain compliance therewith by the County Executive Committee and, when requested by the Chair of the County Executive Committee, draft and propose special rules and procedures which may be required for the various activities of the County Executive Committee.
  • Voter Protection Committee: Wayne Brody, Chair
    • The Voter Protection Committee serves to ensure that every eligible voter in Miami-Dade County who wants to vote can vote, and do so as easily as is feasible.  We work to identify and eliminate barriers to access to the polls, particularly those which adversely impact some communities and classes of voters more than others.
      We recruit, train, deploy, and supervise poll watchers and observers to ensure that early voting sites and polling places are run legally and fairly in statewide and national primaries and elections. As part of the overall effort to see to it that every lawful vote counts, our volunteers also work to help those who have had their vote-by-mail ballots rejected timely file cure affidavits.
      There is no "off-year" in Voter Protection.  Following each general election,  we turn our attention to the legislative front, carefully monitoring election law developments, and working with the Democratic members of the Miami-Dade state delegation, FDP and Party staff, local elected officials, and other interested organizations to identify issues and concerns in pending bills. As appropriate, we work to inform the Party and the public concerning these issues, and mobilize their active participation in the process.
  • Campaign Committee: Javi Estevez, Chair
    • The Campaign Committee will support and elect Democratic candidates in every level of government by assisting in coordination with the local party and campaigns, recruiting candidates and volunteers, and assisting the endorsement committee. 
  • Interfaith Committee: Lynda Raheem, Chair
    • The Interfaith Committee of the DEC. shall act as the DEC contact with faith leaders in the County. Committee will be responsible for developing and promoting outreach activities, messaging, and cooperative interaction with the different religions, faiths, and/or spiritual communities represented in the County.
  • Data Committee: Garrett Herrin, Chair
    • The Data Committee makes recommendations to the DEC based on analyses of election results and trends affecting electoral prospects of Democratic candidates in Miami-Dade County. It also regularly coordinates with other committees to deliver data requests and interpret information collected by the party as well as external groups.
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee: Natascha Otero-Santiago, Chair