Dating back to 2012, some of Florida’s largest counties began recognizing October as LGBTQ+ History Month, part of a larger national initiative to recognize prominent figures from the community. Miami-Dade’s school board voted overwhelmingly in 2021 to introduce the program to our schools. However, with the demands of a vocal minority and the threat of DeSantis weighing in, the school board changed course to block the initiative, listening to individuals who themselves could have benefitted learning about the struggles that the LGBTQ+ community has faced historically.
On 9/11/24, district leaders will decide if MDCPS will once again honor and recognize LGBTQ History in the Month of October.
How can you help?
Sign up to speak at the September 11th school board meeting. Complete a speaker form for item H-10 and email it to [email protected] no later than Monday, September 10th at 4:30pm
Send a letter to the School Board members (only Miami-Dade resident)
The recognition of LGBTQ History Month promotes education about the historical impacts, achievements and contributions of our lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community.
The school board meeting will be on Wednesday 9/11 starting at 2pm.
Mental health in the LGBTQ community is a serious problem, especially amongst youth.
41% of LGBTQ young people seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year—and young people who are transgender, nonbinary, and/or people of color reported higher rates than their peers. (Source: the Trevor project)
Findings from the GLSEN 2021 National School Climate Survey, demonstrate that Florida schools were not safe for most LGBTQ+ secondary school students. The vast majority of LGBTQ+ students in Florida regularly (sometimes, often, or frequently) heard anti-LGBTQ+ remarks) Many also regularly heard school staff make homophobic remarks (63%) and negative remarks about someone’s gender expression (76%).
- it is incredibly important for LGBTQ students — and their peers, parents, teachers and support staff — to learn about LGBTQ history. Several studies report that an LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum promotes a positive school environment and student well-being. For example, students in California who learned about LGBTQ issues at school reported less teasing and bullying of LGBTQ students. (American Bar Association)
By fostering an inclusive environment in our schools that recognizes historical contributions from the LGBTQ community, we take major steps towards a brighter future for LGBTQ youth.
Details of the H-10 initiative recognizing LGBTQ History Month can be found here
Read more about the LGBTQ icons being recognized as part of the 2024 LGBTQ History Month
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